A4 Daw Integration (Confusion) + a whole lot of questions!

Hello Elektronauts,

I’m struggling with my Analog Four in some various aspects since I’ve updated from the “mono” to the “poly” update.

I’m trying to do the following, but I can’t seem to find a way around this:

  1. Im using two midi tracks in ableton in order to control the a4. In midi track 1 I’m using an external instrument directed to midi 1 (in A4). So far so good. In that track I’m using a Max device (A4 Performance Controller) so I can “draw” my performance automation. Now, when using the 2nd Midi track, I do everything alike Midi Track 1 - but directed to Midi 2. It plays correctly what’s in the Daw, but I can’t seem to have the option to insert another Max Device (a4 Performance Controller) onto that Midi Track…so…I’m a bit lost on how to be able to draw my automations (in Daw) for my 2nd (3rd and 4th) synths. What way around you guys use for this?

  2. When using the 2nd sound (or 3rd or 4th - On a4) I can’t access the previous performance setup I’ve already designed for Track 1. Is there a way to copy the Performance setup onto other tracks? Also when saving a new kit…no Performance setup is there. It’s all blank ready to be designed. I lost so much time configuring my previous performance that I would like to use it to the 4 synths. Help on this too?

  3. Regarding sounds. I’ve noticed theres a bunch more of sounds with the +Drive. I used to have my soundbank completely organized, now the only way I found to save a sound without deleting the previous one…was creating a new kit with that sound…and saving it. How are you handling your own sounds? Where are you saving them with organization?

  4. I’ve searched the whole sound library. I didn’t found not even 500 sounds. Was it suposed to have 6000 sounds, or is that the storage capacity and everything is as it should?

Thank you so much for your help

Sorry if did any dumb question!

I only could reply to the last one.

Did you read the manual on the structure of the A4 ? Hahaha

You have 128 Projects and +Drive could contains 4096 sounds [A] to [P]
(of course you not have a factory library of 4096 sounds, you will have 512 factory preset Sounds)

The +Drive is available in every case !
Then you have a sound pool of 128 sounds for each projects. That’s the sounds attach to a track and this one are sound lockable (kind of per step program change in fact)

And Sound Locked is not accessible via +Drive Sounds… You need to copy in the current Sound Pool of the active Project to Sound Locked something

There seems to be a fundamental lack of understanding of the architecture of the a4. I’d suggest reading the manual and all the other stuff everyone has to do. Otherwise you’ll be here asking every question Everytime something pops up.
Don’t mean to be a prick - just being honest

Indeed Dogma. No heartfeelings!

I’ve been reading the manual tonight…and now everything seems so clear to me. Now I realise I was asking stupid questions.

I’m still struggling with the Daw integration (Max device) - Issue 1.
All the rest has been understood reading the manual!

Thank you for you help anyway :slight_smile: