A4 CV outs triggering drum modules

Hey All,

Question about the A4’s CV outs (I don’t own an A4, yet ;-). With the 4 CV outs, could I trigger 4 CV drum modules? (In this case, the Tiptop Audio modules)

It would seem from reading the A4 manual that in order to have full control over triggering the four CV outs, I would have to use the A4s CV track, plus 3 other tracks, which would then limit what I can do with the A4s internal synth. Did I interpret this correctly?


  • Taylor

it’s a very flexible environment, you could control/sync 4 devices easily, worst case scenario doing it simplest would be the loss of two internal sequence tracks, you’d use the CV, the FX and Tracks 3 & 4 to have maximum flexibility with Gate positioning

You could sync a device with no loss of track using a clock out, you may also be able to get creative by using pitch info as a gate source, (it’s all voltages after all) - it won’t be as flexible, but there’ll be ways to get more things out of the two ‘spare’ tracks

I also imagine you’d pretty quick stop limiting the use to being just for gate signals as it’s so much more fun/flexible, there are lfos and envs to throw at the cv too, there’s also a value lin mode which lets you mod/send out voltage in a very flexible way

The CV outs on the A4 are about as flexible as I have ever found. I have a dark time which I stopped using so much because the A4 works well and gives me sequenced flexible control.

Thanks for the replies!

It seems I understood it correctly. I suppose A4s CV outs are more oriented toward controlling a pitch/gate as well as some other modulations, as opposed to separate drum modules.

Perhaps I’ll just get an Analog RYTM too :wink:

So The CV pitch will activate different hits from a drum module. Most drum machines, if you attach a keyboard will play the hits and if you have velocity can get different timbres…