This is driving me crazy. I did some observation, and found that whenever I mute or unmute track 1 on analog four, it changes the parameter for knob 3, always on the mid tom track, and always the same value . I have tried disabling the input of midi control messages on MD, but it still does this! Any idea why this is happening, or what I can do about this?
What is your MIDI signal chain like? Is the A4’s USB connected to anything which might be routing MIDI out to the Machinedrum?
Just A4 as midi master clock and machinedrum as a slave. No other gear connected at all.
Make sure the base channels of the md are different than that of the a4.
I get weirdness like that as well from my octatrack when machinedrun is slaved…additionally, octatrack knobs effect my eventide space pedal when on sample page (as opposed to the midi page)