A4 Can't turn performance mode off

Fairly new A4 owner here. Somehow I’ve turned performance mode on and I can’t turn it off. It’s lit up white and the first six trigs are lit up (red) as quick mutes. If I hit FUNC + PERF the perf button turns blue and it goes into Performance Configure. I’ve tried hitting the button by itself, tapping in combination with NO, etc.

How do I get out of Performance Mode?


You can press any other menu key, like OSC 1 for example. And you’re out :slight_smile:


So simple, can’t believe I didn’t accidentally do it. Thanks, @Octave.


The A4 is new to me too, and I stumbled upon the exact same issue ^^


I Think a lot of us have been there In the learning Stage. Momentarily trapped in performance mode. I know I have :smiley:


Okay, this from the guy who couldn’t figure out how to get out of performance mode yesterday…

The Analog 4 is freaking amazing. I hesitated to buy it because of all the talk about how it sounds flat. God, even if that were true it is beside the point. It’s like disregarding the OB-6 because you don’t like its percussion sounds.

I think A4 all naysayers should get stuck in performance mode. That’s where you realize what this machine can do. It’s mind-boggling. It’s a whole gig in a box.

I will spend the next year deep diving this thing and I doubt I will find the end of its abilities.


I have been hesitating in a very similar way with the decision to A4 or not to A4. As I mentioned somewhere else before I didn’t feel ready for this machine in the end.
However Elektronauts has been proven as an invaluable resource for in depth information about many not-so-obvious techniques and possibilities. If you haven’t already, you might have a look here: When did you start to have rewarding moments w/ A4. There’s more to be found in some other (sometimes very old) threads, too. Happy exploring!

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So I have a strange issue with my Analog Keys where I can’t exit performance mode even though pressing for example OSC 1. The track mutes stay on regardless of what other buttons I press.

Only a turn off/on solves it, but it somehow goes back to the non exitable “track mutes state” after a while (not sure if consistently yet), even though I do not even press the Performance button.

What am I missing?

Already tried factory reset, empty reset and reisntalling latest firmware.
No errors in early startup mode.

I can believe it. It’s a weird design choice. Some of the other buttons on that side of the panel exit back to whichever track param page you were on if you hit [No] enough times. It’s confusing that [Perf] doesn’t work the same way.

Sounds like the button is making contact by itself. Can you run test mode and see what it does?

Hold [Func] whilst turning on the machine. Press [Trig 1] when the menu appears. Wait for the self-test to finish, and check it for issues. If the report looks ok, wait a bit to see if the display changes to indicate the unit thinks [Perf] is pressed.

I’ll test and see if that happens.
The thing is that the performance mode light is not lit when this happens. And everything else works as expected. So I can do everything while this happens, only that the trig mute keys are constantly lit and mutes/unmute tracks.

I have created an empty project to see if the project I was working in somehow became corrputed :thinking:
I’ll leave it on for a couple of hours and check later.

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Just a quick update. It seems as if it only happens on one project (luckily only a small insignificant project). So it seems as if that project became corrupt somehow.

The strange thing is that this didn’t happen with the same project half a year ago. The AK has been stored inside in its box since then because of moving to a new place and more.
So its a bit worrying that the project became corrputed when not in use :thinking:

Not sure if it’s related, but my AK also developed the well known “screen burn issue” during this time aswell…