A4, C6, Mac: sound pack won't transfer

A quick site search didn’t find an answer, so please excuse what must be a redundant topic.

New A4 MKII, Macbook 12 10.13.6, C6 1.51.

I followed the sound pack installation recipe exactly, with no problems. The A4 is ready to receive via MIDI+USB and the empty bank is flashing “WAITING DATA…” C6 config shows the A4 for both MIDI in and out. I drop the purchased sound pack, 1991.syx, onto the C6 window, and it’s highlighted. When I click the [SEND] button, the button flashed and then nothing happens: no progress in C6’s progress bar, and the A4 continues to flash its message. Any troubleshooting suggestions?

don’t have my Computer in front of me, but as far as i remember:

when opening c6, make sure you Open the “configuration”-menu and then have A4 highlighted and click “ok”.

then the connection is established and the transfer should work.

if that’s no help i don’t have any more suggestions, sorry :slight_smile:

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You’re a wizard, thanks, that fixed it. I had first verified that the A4 was highlighted in both the in and out sections of the config dialog box and clicked OK. But reading your suggestion literally, I clicked on the the A4 in both sections of the config box–which didn’t change anything’s appearance–and then clicked OK. After that, the sound pack transferred, no problem. Subsequent sound packs didn’t require a re-click of the A4 even though I quit and re-open C6 each time.

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