Hate to start new threads but can’t find anything on this. Which makes me think I may be alone on this issue. The issue being- with the LEFT input, panned to the left can hardly be heard at all, in the centre and panned to the right the signal is real loud and hard panned to the right (even in the centre position). This was not always the case I have been using both left and right inputs as dual mono for a year with no problems but just in last few months have run into this problem with the left only.I was hoping the latest OS would fix this but has not.
I’d always meant to ask, is the audio in (as an OSC wave (INL INR)) meant to sound clean and unaffected? I’ve always found mine faint and grainy regardless of where I dial the filters. Perhaps it has always been broken, just hardly ever use it. Works fine sent directly to reverb as Ext.
Sorry to hijack your thread, but your subject title was just too good not to
my A4 input are clean. Maybe your input it too hot or maybe you’ve got some FX on with high feedback etc?
As for the panning issue, I’m assuming you took a look at the FX track and Osc1/Ext In to make sure that your inputs were set correctly? I leave my L panned hard left and my R panned hard Right and it works fine (I want a stereo field). Make sure the VOL on each input is the same too. Let us know if that was it…
Thanks for your reply. Yeah I have checked/double checked the settings on the EXT in page are correct, mine works fine as a stereo signal in, but as dual mono not. Whats also strange is the way that the volume changes (much louder) when bringing the panning from hard left to centre with no signal from left only right. the same experiment on the right channel works as expected with no signal (loudness) change and sweeps seamlessly from left to right.
Looks like its time to use the three year warranty, and get it looked at.
this post is a couple of months old, however,…
Over the weekend I updated the OS on my A4.
- Now I can’t get any signal external signal through the FX track - Left In.
Right In, is fine.
And If I use the inputs as a stereo pair through CH 1-4. - No problems.-
So only have the issues on the Left channel via FX track.!?
Anyone else found this? - could it be a bug with the new OS (1.12B)
Also I can’t seem to trigger my Moog SP via CV channel now either…Guess I’ll do some more testing,…as the CV area was also recently ‘updated’.
EDIT: just seen other have hand similar issues -so I’ll try the Factory Reset this evening…
I’m having a related issue. For the first time I connected another synthesizer to the audio input. I followed all the instructions in the User Guide, but I get a very low audio signal (both left and right channels).
Even when I set the output of the other synth to maximum the level is so low that is almost useless.
EDIT: I tried the factory reset and still have the same problem.
Start a new kit in a new pattern then create a new sound and it should be fine. Or find a kit where this is not an issue and build your kits from that one.
That’s my workaround (YOUR A4 IS NOT THRASHED). I also got the ext in panning to the right and sometimes left depending on the kit or pattern.
No idea how to fix existing kits, I haven’t been able to do this, but it is a BUG.
I or you should submit it to Elektron, which I am sure will make them very happy.
I’ve submitted it as an issue to Elektron #6885
Hello there,
I think I have the same pb since an OS update to 1.12B.
Basically, only the right input works and the level is very low.
On the Ext In panel, both right and left levels are at 127… Another thing I have noticed is when changing the bank pattern to another, the low right input sound is still there, even if the meter indicate 0 in the panel.
Is there any information about this bug, and can I downgrade my OS ?
No update from Elektron as of yet. Give the workaround I described a go.
No update from Elektron as of yet. Give the workaround I described a go.
Received an update from Elektron today who are not able to re create the issue. They have requested a sysex dump of the problem patters/kits, which I will be sending over.
I got my AK yesterday. Today I connected a MD to the inputs of the AK and same problem: Only the right input received the audio signal. I tried to fix the problem for almost 2 hours and found no solution. Finally it helped to initialize a new project. There the inputs are working correctly, but if i switch back to the other project the left input is silent. Seems to be a bug.
First time I connected audio to my AK, only one channel was working.
Turned out the gain was all the way down on one side…
Elektron have been able to replicate the issue, which is good news.
Hopefully it will be a simple fix.
If you have time submit a support request to Elektron though as the more information they have the better (who knows, maybe the bug behaviour is the same but the root cause different?)
hi there i have a slightly different problem i find that the input through the fx is a lot louder than the input through the oscillators if you try to filter a drum loop it becomes dirty and much quieter when sent the filter…
anyone tried that before is there any way to boost the filtered sound without distorting it?
thx seb…
Hi I had this problem too on my AK. Weirdly when I hit the A3 key (specifically the first A on the keyboard when the Octave indicator is in the middle) it resolved it. I was able to reproduce it by hitting other keys on the keyboard. Seems to be that the pan of the input is responding to midi / or the key pressed on the AK.
hope they can fix this mismatched inputs… bug. it also causes one side to briefly drop out.
after initializing, dropouts are gone, levels are similar, but not the same - one side is level 112 to match them.
strangely the response of the L R input channels look different…
initialized again, a bit better… hmm-------------------------------------------------------