Anyone have this set-up?
I know nothing about CV etc.,so will the A4 “talk” to a SubPhatty ?
Anyone foresee any problems?
Any ideas/comments welcome.
Anyone have this set-up?
I know nothing about CV etc.,so will the A4 “talk” to a SubPhatty ?
Anyone foresee any problems?
Any ideas/comments welcome.
The SubPhatty has four CV inputs:
So you could use all 4 CV outputs on the A4 to control the SubPhatty completely. Or mix and match CV control from the A4. But yes it will work.
The SubPhatty also has MIDI CC over almost all of its parameters since it is more modern . So I use the OctaTrack to control it because of this. Saving the A4 CV outs for more older gear.
PS - The Sub Phatty sounds amazing with a touch of the A4’s Chorus and Reverb using the external inputs.
Great. Thanks for all the info…I guess the kids can wait for their shoes another year!!!
So, Strawberry… is it working.? How long it took you to setup it all??
I am also considering this setup and also have no expirience with CV.
So any tip from you would be helpful.
I didn’t get around to buying the sub phatty in the end, just as well now there is the sub 37 on the way! Good luck with yours.
Nice. I got an A4 a couple of weeks ago and have the intention of connecting my Sub Phatty at some point. Even if it’s just running it through the external inputs to make use of the effects.
Also if you really want to spice up some audio. Go thru the SubPhatty’s external input -> Moog Ladder Filter -> Then into A4’s External Inputs -> Chorus, Delay, Super Void Reverb goodness!
Some sub phattys on ebay going for around $800. If it goes down anymore from that I may end up with one. However, the Stylophone S2 is still something I fancy, considering it’s portability.