A4 (and MD & Live) Midi help!

Hi. I’m having a little bit of trouble sending midi along a chain of Elektron gear back into Live. Wondering if anyone here can help?…

Here’s my current routing set up: Live > Macbook USB > TM-1 Out > Machinedrum (MD) Midi In > MD Midi Out > Analog Four (A4) Midi In > A4 Midi Out > TM-1 In > Macbook > Live

As it is, this almost works as planned. I can control the MD and A4 from Live & play them as expected. I can also play the A4 and have the notes sent into Live. However, I can’t do the same with MD. If I trigger notes on that machine nothing is sent back to Live. If I miss out the A4 entirely and route the Midi from MD back to the TM-1 and then Live it works as expected.

So, the Midi from the MD stops when it enters the A4. If I switch the Midi Out cable on the A4 to Thru then the MD data is passed through BUT the A4 doesn’t then send any data.

Any ideas? I’m fairly certain I have all the internal settings set correctly but maybe I’m missing something?



You can use the TM-1 with the MD and then for the A4 use the A4 USB MIDI interface.

MIDI THRU mirrors what is feed in the MIDI IN, is not a merger, so MIDI produced by the A4 always will be through A4 MIDI OUT, never through A4 MIDI TRHU.