A4/AK vs DSI Pro2

Ok I am pretty torn on my next major synth purchase. I am getting to a breaking point on gear so I’m being careful to not be in a “gotta collect them all” mindset. I feel I am lacking on a specific “hero” synth in my setup. My Access Virus C desktop module is the most powerful synth I own and it typically is the dominant sound source in my tracks. I’m not looking to replace it by any means but I would like a nice high end keyboard to add along side it.

I’m torn between the Analog Keys or the Dave Smith Pro 2. I don’t care so much about being polyphonic. Four note full poly or four note paraphonic is fine by me so this is not a deciding factor. I have loved every demo I have ever heard from the A4/AK but the Pro 2 looks like it could cover even more ground. The Moog Sub 37 was in my sights as well but I think I just want something more modern. The Sub 37 just seems like an evolution on an old design (though a damn good design).

… and your question for us is … ?

(I haven’t even seen any significant reviews of the Pro2 published yet.)

Sorry I was finishing up at work when I wrote that. Basically I should be able to drop about 2k on a new synth in the coming months. I can’t decide if I want the DSI Pro 2 or the Analog Keys. I have found a lot of Pro 2 demo’s and it does sound damn nice. Any pro’s or con’s regarding either that anyone can help me with would be great.
I know the Pro 2 is still very new but it does have a lot of similarities to the Prophet 12. I understand the Pro 2 has two different filters vs the Prophet 12 but are there any Prophet 12 owners hear that could chime in on how they like the oscillators, work flow, any gripes? Other than the sequencer, what if anything makes the Analog Keys better?

The question here is…what exactly are you looking for! AK and Pro2 are very different. AK is. Rolandish sounding with a modern twist. Brighter sounds are not the strength of this synth though. Pro wiil give you sonically more, but has a less full featured sequencer, that is where the AK excels. But the UI on the AK is less intuitive and the damn fucking tiny screen…but the sound is awesome and would match very well with your Virus. The Pro2 sounds analog with digitalness on top, The UI is much more hands on, compated to the AK. both are awesome. I would sell the Virus and get an AK AND a Pro2. :wink:

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I had both and just let the Pro 2 go. It’s a very nice synth but I needed to thin the herd a bit for some other gear. I was offered a really great price on one and I originally got it thinking it would replace my Pro One.

The AK and Pro 2 are pretty different although they do share some similarities. You could make an entire track with the AK alone though.

The Pro 2 sounds great. It’s on the brighter side as pulsn said. I really loved the filters and the immediacy of the controls. The analog distortion is very usable unlike the Tempest. The four delay lines are very cool. The MOD routings are quite extensive and the big OLED screen is awesome. The keyboard feels great and everything is very well built. I just wasn’t crazy about the digital osc’s and in the end I still preferred the raw sound of the Pro One.

The sequencer is more limited than the AK. I’m pretty used to sequencing the Elektron way now and much prefer the AK. Although you can sequence both MIDI and CV with the Pro 2. I imagine DSI will develop the sequencer more but for now it’s pretty basic compared to Elektron. There’s no copy and paste function. No micro timing. I also like the CV setup and implementation on the AK better as well. Currently gates are only +10V and that didn’t jive with my MOTM modular without using a CV mixer with negative bias.

In a perfect world I would have both I suppose but I need some new speakers. I also feel like I need to learn the things I already have better.

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For the current price of a new Pro 2 you could also get a used a4 + prophet08 desktop or a tempest. If you ve allready a synth/controller with a decent keybed it might be an option.
Anyway if its between the Pro2 and the A4K, i would go for the elektron route, the a4 is just great.

I have both the A4 and Pro2, and no experience with the Pro12.

In terms of sequencer features, the A4 (and AK) is definitely the most powerful of the two. While the Pro2 sequencer is easier to use, it’s simply not as strong and flexible as the one offered by Elektron.

In terms of all-in-box-ness, again the A4/AK gets my vote. It’s basically 4-voice multi-trimbral with the additional option to go poly. It has a solid delay as well as a reverb. You could do whole compositions indeed on the A4/AK, except maybe for EQ (and some compression).

The Pro2 otoh is single-timbral, single voice, with the option to go paraphonic, and I have to say this works quite well. No way though to easily record separate parts since only one sequencer track in the Pro2 will do notes atm. Pro2 has 4 delays, but with shorter max delay time, and no reverb.

In terms of user interface, Pro2 all the way. Done.

In terms of synth engine, that’s a tough one and comes down to personal preferences. The sound of both synths couldn’t be more apart. The A4/AK is an analog synth (under digital control) and sounds just great imo, with all the traits you’d expect from a juicy and warm analog. As mentioned by pulsn, it reminds me of the Roland SH5/SH7 synths, which is good, and I understand even some of the SH5/SH7 sync tricks are in.

The Pro2 sound is completely different. It has a digital core and that’s immediately obvious when you play it. The sound is more static and stable. It’s a good digital core though, and a single OSC’s saw tooth for example gives me a good body of sound in the lower register. The addition of the two new analog filters on the Pro2 was a great choice, and can give the sound analog warmth and saturation, if you want that. Whatever you do, there’s always this nice fat bottom end.

The A4/AK sound palette is limited to relatively warm and lively analog sounds, but it does analog very well imo, with rich set of features that I haven’t seen before in analogs.

The Pro2 sound palette is massive. I think this is the most expressive synth I’ve ever owned. It can do pretty nice warm analog style sounds complete with analog filter overdrive and the works, very pure sounding sine waves, and all the digital power you’d expect from a 4-voice that can FM/AM anything to anything. Although it’s digital, this synth has class all over.

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This is the thing. I am looking for something way beyond what I can currently achieve with my current gear. However I really am leaning toward the AK right now. Already almost pulled the trigger on it a few times in the last few weeks. The four voices gets me and I am very good with the Elektron work flow. The last DSI synth I tried out was a Mopho keyboard and frankly I was fighting with it a bit. I can get way more out of my BSII and faster, although I do have a lot more experience with it so there is that.
I’m looking for some harshness. Does anyone know of any AK demo’s that are harder and more industrial sounding rather than the smooth progressive semi-ambient youtube videos out there? I’ve seen the AR do industrial (I think with minimal samples) so I’m fairly sure there is some harshness to be found in the A4/AK. Before anyone says it, yes I understand the AR and AK are different analog architectures and the FM in the AR certainly helps it out in what I am looking for, but I do know the A4/AK can do some nice drums and was the basis for the AR.

Between the two, I feel more GAS for the Pro 2, mainly because of the simpler looking UI.

If money were no object I’d get both too. :slight_smile:

I owned the Prophet 12 for a while but decided to sell it after hearing the Analog Four. I just couldn’t fall in love with the filters, destortion and digital sound of the Prophet 12 compared to the much warmer, richer and powerful sound of the A4. I finally purchased the Analog Keys and haven’t regretted it. I know that the Pro2 has different filters than the P12, but the main problem is that the oscillators are digital, compared to the analogue oscillators in the A4 and AK. Only your ears can tell you, but please spend some time with the AK and see if magic happens! I also have to mention that the bass or bottom of the A4 and AK is so much beeter than the Prophet 12 and (I have read from reviews) the Pro2. By the way, the bottom of the Analog Rytm is more powerful than any synth or groovebox I have ever heard!

I own both the A4 and the Pro 2.

In my opinion I like the sound and synthesis a lot more on the Pro 2, but this is just taste.
Despite the oscillators being digital I find them a lot warmer and they sound better over a longer range as opposed to the A4 Oscillators that are quite sterile and have to be tweaked a bit more depending on if you want to play it in the lower or higher registers.

The Slop parameter on the Pro 2 works really well on the digital oscillators for a more “vintage” sound.
The A4 on the other hand has got linear detuning which is really nice for a more consistent detuned sound.
I’ve never really bonded with the raw oscillator sounds on the A4, but I imagine that they are designed with effects in mind and for that they work well.

The sequencer is a bit easier to get started on but not as powerful as the A4, this is where the A4 really shine and if it only had MIDI out it would beat the Pro 2.
The parameter locking is really powerful on the A4.
I haven’t tried the AK so I have no experience with the joystick but it really looks nice and expressive.

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I pulled the trigger on the AK. It should be here later this week. The more I read about the AK the more I wanted it. I just have not seen enough of the Pro 2 to really sway me out of my Elektron fanboyism. And given the price difference I feel like I am getting a better deal.

I’m thinking of giving up the A4 in favor of a Pro2. Just curious how the sequencer plays with external Analog gear. I know it isn’t as full featured as the A4.