A4, AK (killer) feature request

Hello, thought up an awesome feature request for A4 and AK:

Sound morphing…

User selects sound 1 and selects sound 2.
A4 / AK calculates difference in oscillator/ other settings.
A4 / AK assigns difference in parms. to performance knob.

User plays sound number 1.
When user turns the related performance knob, all setting of sound 1 gradually move to settings of sound 2.

Killer feature (and doable) in my opinion.

my 2cts, Michiel.

hey… I’ve experimented with this a bit, both with individual sounds and with entire kits… one problem is that it often, not always but often, doesn’t sound very good. there are many parameter combos which can sound absolutely horrible…

e.g. kickdrum patch >>>>>> nasty fart sound >>>>>> lush pad patch

to eliminate the nasty fart in the middle, the morphing would have to avoid certain combinations of parameter values… the question is, which ones? it’s complicated… the AF/AK voices have a very wide range…

Ah yes, I understand what you mean… don’t want the fart sound of course haha.

But morphing from a BD to a pad is somewhat unlikely for a user to use as morph option. It would be up to the user to decide what to morph and what not. And thus what would give a nice result and what not.

But I understand what you mean: if you tried it out and the result in most cases sounds crappy than it is not worth the effort of implementing it. I also can see that linear parameter changes might sound crappy as well (i.e: not all parameter changes should behave linear to have best results).

But thank you for your answer and keep up the good work!

Cheers, Michiel.

Using the toolkit provided with renoise… I do lots of “morping” synths…
it can really sound killer indeed… the only problem is… its never a straightforward morph… need to play with lfo-curves and all kinda weirdness to make it sound as great as you imagine your function to sound.

then again… morphin synths where possible on my mc909, where you dindnt have all these fancy tools, just some filter and amp-mixing tricks… and that was groovy as well… the trick there was you just gave startingpoint and endpoint… and did reverse on the other voice… all connected to 1 rotary… thus you could raise amp and lower amp simultanious in 2 voices… or do that + filtertrickery…

didnt the a4 have somesort of performance-tool to do exactly that ?