A machinedrum + octatrack in the sun

Sorry folks, nomatter how hard i try, and edit my post…
it always returns with allot of embedded videos… have no clue why…

i am not doing it on purpose… bit bummed out… i described how i did it all
and that keeps being deleted.

Anyways: the machinedrum plays all sounds except the pad (that one comes from octatrack)…
the machinedrum plays a pattern, which i mangle a bit with a crtl-all machine.
the audio goes to input A+B of the octatrack. Track1 has an thru-machine. Track2 is a neighboor… Both are used to effect the machinedrum via scenes.

Track 5 + 6 are flex-machines, playing content from trackrecorder 5… the sampling of that i trigger manually (it records a loop 1 bar long) . Track 5 + 6 play them back with some alterations…

I did NOT use slices… I used start-end-point p-locking for this.
the reason for this is sync… If you slice, sample something, and play back… it will be in time… But if you alter bpm after that AND resample something… the slices are in the wrong spot… and make everythign sound out of sync/bad

Track7 is a flex-machine, that plays 1-beat-long samples, recorded on trackrecorder 1-2-3-4 … Each of those track recorders, record continously. and during playback
I use them in reverse order…
so step1 has trackrecorder4’s sample, that sampled the 4th beat.
step5 has trackrecorders3’s sample, that sampled the 3rd beat.
step9 has trackrecorders2’s sample, that sampled the 2nd beat
step13 has trackrecorders1’s sample, that sampled the 1st beat.
I done that, so i could do whatever sample trick I wanted on that track (including pitch and reverse)

Scenes 8+9 altered machinedrums input and neighboortrack and muted the others
scenes 10+11 altered the manually sampled track 5+6 and muted the others
scenes 12+13 altered the continuosly recorded samples on track7 and muted the others.

On the machinedrum itself… I just muted stuff… and changed the settings… and reloaded the kit from time to time… Sometimes, i turned to classicmode… to raise pitch of the bassline… (going to classic-mode, makes your machinedrum discard all p-locked parameters… so you hear the pitch set on the track)

and thats about it…

Enjoy… and sorry about the 6 videos on top of eachother… no clue why it does that…

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Test no return

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Test 3 Returns

That’s weird, working for me, on iPad atm!

Aww… thats what you meant no return…

as in making movie be last thing in post…

Test after text before video, 3 Returns

This is a test… where i put text in… and embed movie as last.
no enters whatever…

Yeah that seams to be it! All good, happy to plug your vid :slight_smile:

and now i am typing after movie, but pressing no enter anywhere

Yeah that seams to be it! All good, happy to plug your vid :slight_smile:[/quote]
Yes, very nice thank you :slight_smile: nice byproduct of testing… Feel free to add on of your own video’s to test-away.
… funny enough… I tried and i tried and i tried every combi, and even completely deleted ALL TEXT and inserting link in code-view.
but in the first post… i just cant get rid of the multiple-video’s… whatever i try… which is difrent to the other posts
it appears i can edit those and create/take out multiple videos…

Pretty wicked mix of sounds here man.

The repeat post can be annoying, I"m not sure why it happens… but it happens to me more on my Mac than my PC. Just be happy you weren’t retorting something. I remember getting into a heated debate while this happened. Nothing kills your credibility more than repeat posts :wink: Yah… I really know what I’m saying, but can’t remember if I posted this already :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers :slight_smile:


Calming! Really nice setting as well. Wish I had a garden.

Thanks for listening you all :slight_smile:

and thank you for understanding i didnt do it on purpose… and the testing between me and bluewolf made it worse :slight_smile: small price to pay for better forum…