A little reverb

I got a quadraverb for free and for a long time that was my main reverb, i really like the sound! Two years ago i got a Hall Of Fame 2, it is so cheap and sounds so good. Shimmer is beautiful, “room” very useful as a master-verb and you can go quite crazy on the 3 user-slots.

I have 4 (5 if I include the Microcosm) Reverb pedals.

The Eventide Space is dedicated to the Hydrasynth (along with the Time Factor Delay).

The Source Audio Ventris is on the Cue Out of the OT (along with the Nemesis Delay) and it has a decent Spring Reverb algo. PERfourMER, miniKORG 700 FS (its Spring Reverb is awesome) and Sirin can benefit from this.

I have the CXM 1978, the Microcosm (yes, it has a nice Reverb) and the BAM serving as External Audio FXs for my other Synths.

I would say that I don’t prefer one over another, they all have their Colors.

If I were to get another Reverb (yes, I love Reverbs), the Empress Effects Reverb would probably be my choice.

Edit : I forgot to mention a 5th Reverb, the Vermona Retroverb Lancet (also on External Audio FX duty). This thing is a beast, way more than just a Spring Reverb.

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Eventide Space … shimmer, modverb, blackhole … in love all day long.


Did a little add-on.

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Check YouTube. Many Blackhole plus synth / OT videos.
I think Tinez has a longer one.

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Valhalla Vintage Verb is a modern classic. Beautiful sound and interface.

Valhalla Room Reverb is another excellent offering from this company, use it on drums.

Valhalla Shimmer is lovely to have as an angelic bed for your pads. Just don’t overdo it.

Valhalla Supermassive is fantastic and completely free. A no-brainer, as they say.

Ableton Live Hybrid Reverb is a monster, the Convolution section is gorgeous, particularly that stereo spring. Very creative IRs that take sounds to different worlds.

Neunaber Wet is the most beautiful reverb I’ve ever heard. Get the stereo one and never look back.


Hey, thanks, hadn’t checked Ableton native reverbs for a while. Will do.

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So it’s a bit weird - Live originally had the ‘Reverb’ audio effect which was okay on the highest quality setting, but pretty old-skool. Then Max For Live came along and they added the Convolution Reverb, which is a phenomenal reverb that sounds so much better than the Reverb audio effect. Now with Live 11 they added the ‘Hybrid Reverb’ audio effect which is a combination of the standard Reverb and Convolution Reverb effects, with a blend between the two. I tend to use only the Convolution side still!

Now on the Convolution side you have all manner of weird and wonderful IRs, including delay-like repeats and even pitched reverbs. Very odd and super cool. Plus I believe you can add your own IRs.


Since the original post mentions two instances of spring, my suggestion for that is to go cheap and dirty:

Grab a spring tank on eBay. Secondhand is best; chips and dings add characters

Run it through a basic little mixing desk (again, go old and cheap - Fostex made some beauties like the MNs and the Hexamix) for both the pre and post signal in a Gabe Roth style (Google: “Shitty Is Pretty” and download both parts (i.e. both PDFs))


strymon blue sky - sweet one, not natural but enhanced and beautifully inspired by natural. Goes everywhere, sounds good everywhere, classic everyday reverb.

holiest grail - it’s a special one, spring mode is for me useless (maybe just me i don’t like any spring emulation i’ve tried at the moment), natural with some extreme limit (but a delay option bring it to the glitch territory. At start it’s a guitar pedal but my result with guitar has been horrific, goes well on synth for i think more dark stuff. This thing as the particularity to make your snare sounds awesome. (At least my snares sounds bad for other reason)
Direct midi input and midi CC make it perfect companion of my machinedrum.

dreadbox darkness - mix between classic spring and some future sci fi algo. The vibes is awesome, it bring a very original touch to your tracks but won’t please everyone for sure. Not the best chassis, could be noisy on some electric situation. Still this one goes really high in my heart.

erbe-verbe, more plate i think (?) at least sound’s very metallic, has a good place in the mix with synth, make it sound like a guitar in your mix, can be played/tweaked a lot live with lot’s of pleasure, and really goes into sci fi domain. DOesn’t need any input to make crazy sounds

Then, i use a lot the dark reverb of the OT, the spring tank of my fender amp.

Clouds - some people like the reverb but for me it’s very unatural and not musical.

I’ll add the polymoon, pretty complex beast able to do lot’s of things in a clinical way, really nice beast but not easy to use. Still could be a crucious tool for sound design.

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Dreadbox has a new reverb out now too, more shimmery I think. I think it is called drips.

yep raindrops,
Damn, i love reverb so much but i hate shimmer XD don’t know why there’s so many with this mode.

What’s especially cute about your wonderful Korg NTS-1 suggestion is that it’s true on multiple levels. Like, it’s physically a ‘little reverb’. Well done!