A good free/cheap DAW?

Nice! Do you have any experience with it? Overbridge etc

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What? 4 real?
Probably produced with cheap labour in china though😂

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We can ask Behringer not to be in the capitalist system, but I´m afraid that´s going to happen everywhere.

In Spain we are all cheap workers as well, and a lot of working poors.


It was a joke. I would be interrested in their DAW though. Why not🤷‍♂️

Who wants to bet on which DAW they rip off? My money is on Ableton.

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It can be a good opportunity to bomb them with all that crazy workflow things each one could miss in current DAWs.

I used the latest SONAR Platinum version before Gibson closed the shop and I only tested with Overbridge vs. 1.x. Was no problem then.

I love how every discussion I have on this forum ends up being about Behringer :pensive:

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Sorry! But I just saw that picture in FB.

Audacity :smiley:


I wasn’t aware that Reaper didn’t have great support for Overbridge. It does seem there is a workaround and some people have had some good success with it.

I might give it a shot today (assuming the trial version can be used with said workaround) and try not to eat my own words :rofl:

So Ive heard! I was actually leaning towards reaper.
I would love to hear back from you if/how it worked! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh nice a DAW with a huge Behringer logo taking up a third of the display!


Sure thing! I’m partial to Reaper because it’s what I was using already, so like a lot of things, it’s what you feel most comfortable with.

As brisket says, Reaper’s great for audio editing, especially long-form stuff. It also has very good FX since it’s open-source(-ish). But you can’t really turn it into a sampler or looper the way you can with, say, Ableton. Or at least not easily.

And if you’re just getting started, the price is hard to beat!

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Reaper demo is the same as registered, everithing works.
Maybe OB ain’t working for me in Reaper but for others it does. I think Reaper works better on windows platforms too. And i switched to mac os. .


There are some extensions that are free which can facilitate stuff like looping pretty easily. And you have this stuff, which is pretty handy. http://standingwaterstudios.com/
Loads of extras to be found for free in general.

I would warn the OP that Reaper can be a bit weird and complex, because it’s extremely customizable. The good thing is that you can try out the whole program for free for 30 days. And a million days if you so choose actually :slight_smile: But if you end up using it, it’s dirt cheap, so fork up the cash to that winamp-weirdo.

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Looks very handy! But unfortunately not (yet?) available for Linux. Ah well.

Actually sounds good. I have no real problem getting used with daws. Ive used FL, Reason and logic so…

Is it the guy that made winamp? :joy:

The same: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Frankel