A 4 - Zero - start here

start here to make your first from scratch beat - sound - song - loop - call it what you will

update: this is for the OLD OS … please look further down for additional comments regarding steps 1 to 99 for new operating systems / updates for the analog 4

1 turn machine on

1a hit the copy button till red light appears

1b hit function hold and hit play button

1c hit the copy button till red light is off

1d hit function and play button

1e hit fuction and sound, use cursor to choose clear track sound, press yes twice

1f hit NO / Reload

2 press bank group button (left hand side second button from bottom) to make red dot jump to upper row (ABCD)

3 press letter E long and at the same time hit 1 the very first round grey button on left hand side

4 press and HOLD Function key (white, left hand side oval shape) at the same time PRESS KIT (white round middle , kit is written in RED (also is C note in mini keyboard)

5 look at display

6 does is give you option reload load save KIT ? if not dont proceed! go back to step 1

7 choose load kit with cursor buttons which are located right under the display screen

8 hit YES SAVE - the white button under the screen

9 use cursor buttons navigate to MY KIT . which should be an empty one

10 hit YES SAVE

11 Hit and HOLD Funktion (left side white oval shape) A N D choose track 1 - trk 1 (white writing) on the right hand side, top corner

12 like a maniac hit track 2 or track 3 till you have only trk 1 light on AND in red (not green, not yellow) … this may proof harder than you think

13 Hit Function and SOUND (white round in the mini keyboard) at the same time.

14 look at display

15 choose load track sound with cursor keys hit YES SAVE

16 choose BD 240 (easiest done by just hitting the RIGHT cursor times)

17 hit YES SAVE

18 it should say on the screen sound loaded

19 press Tempo button (located left next to YES SAVE button, look for a blinking red light underneath the LEVEL Knob.

20 turn grey LEVEL knob (left from display) till display shows 120.0 BPM

21 hit YES SAVE

22 hit one of the white buttons in the minikeyboard. if you dont hear a sound check audio settings. if you heard a thumping base sound you almost made it!

23 hit the RED button that has a black DOT on it… it is located left from the PLAY button that is grey, and there is also a white button (oval, like the 2 other aforementioned ones) with a black square on it… got that?

24 a red dot should have lit up left from the red button that shows the word c o p y underneath … its the rec button but is says copy… dont worry…

25 press the first round grey button on the lowest row of buttons on your machine - a red dot should appear above it

26 press the 5th round grey button bla

27 hit the 9th button

28 hit the 13th button

29 press PLAY (grey oval shaped between a white and a red button)

you created your first beat from scratch, from an unused KIT, into an empty pattern…

30 press Funkction AND KIT at the same time

31 choose SAVE KIT

32 navigate down to SAVE KIT


34 choose an appropriate MY KIT SLOT


36 use LEVEL knob to choose a character, use cursor (left up down right), for another character - choose whatever the electron you like to same your kit


press play again, and be proud of yourself… figuring THAT out took us , each of us, a couple of hours… afterwards we were proud like a proton and danced the nucleus in our bedroom studios … you may also do that now!

if you have ANY questions regarding that TUTORIAL, you MUST, refer to the NUMBER and be sure you competed all instructions with utmost care and aweareness…

thank you elektron for giving me superb produkt - thank you Rui Peixoto - TAREKITH - thank you EVERYBODY who contributed with questions and answers to the forum - thanks forum admins …


sorry, that didn’t work for me, was i supposed to 0) plug it in?, you didn’t say :wink:

I disagree with that, it should start with
-1 Convince wife you have to do it NOW
-1 Youtube your unboxing process

I disagree with that, it should start with
-1 Convince wife you have to do it NOW
-1 Youtube your unboxing process
Hahaha unboxing process

@TrabanT–Thanks very much!
That kind of helpfulness was not at all in spirit of jest nor fictitious poking…genuinely would have been VERY helpful upon acquiring my A4 months ago.

I get humor…but remember again that other people’s set-ups, way they work, and experience levels ALL vary and not everyone has interest in other Elektron Machines in set-ups perhaps currently, but come from no previous Elektron format of working genre.
With the AK release, minds need to be open to fact that we all had to start at point zero at some point on some subject, whichever that may be.
Empathy and compassion go a long way.

So do really informative posts as OP that did not seem like it was coming from someone texting while riding a roller coaster…concise/informative.

Genuine thanks, I just got the A4 and this saved me a lot of headache. Now someone do the same for the OT I just bought!

thanks for the reads, and thumbs up … will do a base line tut next. … if you discover ANY mistake I made in the description please point it out so I can EDIT it …

step 0.1 send your wife away, buy frozen pizza, call in sick, have 3 buckets in room (trainspotting reference)

15 choose load track sound with cursor keys hit YES SAVE

16 choose BD 240 (easiest done by just hitting the RIGHT cursor times)

Step 15 is now replaced with the Sound Manager popping up in the new OS 1.1 and BD 240 is nowhere to be found.

I add a remark about the OLD OS … thanks for your comment :+1: