6 steps per bar microtiming?


Having a hard time finding the 6/4 Garage Groove on the Digitakt. You can’t make the sequencer do 24/16 trigs (6 steps per bar) but I am pretty sure you can emulate that with microtiming. Can’t figure out what timing to use when I want:

  • CHat: _ _ x _ _ x
  • OHat: _ _ _ x _ _

Any help would be appreciated, I am sure I am close.

You can change the TRK scale length to 3/2 on the advanced fill/scale page then if you set the length of that track to 24 steps relative to the kick at 16 steps on the other track or whatever.


Not sure if I understood you well.

If you want triplets you can do this. Microtiming on parenthesis.

Add steps on 1, 2 (+1/48), 3 (+1/24), 5, 6 (+1/48) and 7 (+1/24) and replicate this for steps 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15.

If you want the 6/4 rhythm just skip the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th 13th and 15th steps.


I’ll try both! Thanks.

Maybe this helps?

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Yeah I saw that one and a variant on Reddit. I’ll try but it did not make sense yet. I’m looking for the 1/6th rythm. But does that mean you keep the 16 track length? So many options with microtiming and pagelength

Yes, afaik the grid stays with 16 steps with that table.

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This looks like the best kind of approach … keeps the pages making sense as bars. Lots of work to set up though.

In contrast, 24 steps spread over 2 pages (16+8) with one of the triplets spread over two pages would drive me nuts.