This is pretty much it. The quote from the manual was a bit confusing if it was meant as an answer to this question.
The 5th isn’t the 5th of the triad of the note you’re playing, as that would pretty much require you to define a scale so the diminished chord would be played correctly. (I would love being able to define a scale that you can restrict the notes to in the A4 actually, but that’s beside the point).
It is the interval or “distance” (note wise) of a perfect 5th from the note you play. And as it is a sub it would be going down, not up.
Regardless of scale, in a Diatonic Mode, an Interval of a 5th (Perfect 5th) is always 7 semitones.
Elektron have used the 5th parameter as Root Note and all Transposing operates from the 5th Root Note parameter. That is C Major scale, 5th parameter is C the other oscillators can define chord or other Intervals.
Wow…I am not at home now, but how did I miss that option?!
I know what I’m going to do as soon as I get home!
Regarding the 5th… see… I didn’t say perfect 5th for a reason. The 5th in for instance the B in the C major scale is diminished (as I realise you know from what you are posting), thus not the same interval as a perfect 5th.
But again regarding key scale…THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Does it work with arpeggiator so I can just set it up to play diatonic triads then?
Hey Shor, my theory training calls E-B in C Maj7 is a harmonic 5th, it’s diminished by a flat 7th. Thus not a Perfect 5th in the absolute sense of C Maj but still a 5th - E-B harmonic 5th and the flat 7th is a diminished 5th - E-Bb.
I see what you’re saying. My theory knowledge is far from yours, so unfortunately I can’t really reply in a manner that sounds half as intelligent
To put it in a modal context I was just thinking about how the 5th in the B locrian mode would be the one that is problematic as it’s the only one that strays from the perfect 5th interval in this context.
This is way off topic now, so I’ll try to not stray further away from it. I really appreciate your posts though, they’ve been very insightful!
Shor you’re talking about Modal music and through out history there has been many Modes (moods). Modes are scale structures or key systems based on different intervals that different traditions and cultures deemed pleasing to the ear or not. Specifically Locrian, Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian and Aeolian are referred to as the Seven Modal Scales. I suggest you do a bit of reading.
I know what modes are and how to use them, so I don’t need to do further reading into this. Looking at modes as chords is a very useful way to grasp them actually.
I already said that I don’t have a deep knowledge of theory, so it’s very difficult for me to discuss it with all the correct terms for everything. I understand them well enough to make good use of them.
Thanks though
I should have said that if you were using these modes then you’d have to adapt your intervals as the example set out in the manual is diatonic and in that sense perfect 5th’s. No harm done, I enjoyed the conversation, it’s not often you get to talk music theory with users that do mostly create acid.