500 series modules for color

Don’t dislike the NEVEr sound just love the TGasteful sound, hitting it harder :wink:

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Like we said before check the soundskulptor stuff (superb quality, really affordable price)… there you’ll get all the flavours. At the end of the day you’ll be going for a Neve, API, AR, SSL… If its about colouring its basically trial by error.


another way to achieve some color is distorting transformers in some way, like in a 1:1 isolator or using DI’s incorrectly on purpose

I just built an API lunchbox filled with various preamps (for recording everything from vocals to synths). I filled mine with:

API 512V preamp (x2)
Chandler TG2-500 preamp (x2)
Chandler Germ 500 mkII preamp
Avedis MA5 preamp

If you want some color, you might want to check out the Chandler Germ or the Chandler Little Devil.


Hmm preamps, that might not be a bad idea.

What are your favorites on synths/drum machines?

I always love API on drums because they really punch. The nice thing about the 512V is the added ability to drive the transformers hard for more color without using any separate devices.


One of my favorite things to run the direct outs of drums machines into is the API 505-DI modules. The 505 has some extended tonal control and just oozes with that API sound. Kick/Bass drum into 505-DI with tone knob turned to “fatter” smacks hard.

but the 512v has got it goin on too, plus for mic stuff its still one of my favs

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I highly recommend the radial komit. Super affordable vca compressor with a diode clipper/limiter. Does great saturation effects and the compression is quite nice, more flexible than you would assume from a 1 knob 1 switch design.

The neve 542’s are great as well, the silk circuit is fantastic in particular. Not exactly tape, but still very nice and useful.

Lindell also makes great and really affordable compressors for 500 series.

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I thought about going with the API DI modules, but there’s only about a $300 difference in price to just get the full blown preamp/DI - then you can record anything with it. If I was only ever going to use it on synths/drum machines, then I might have gone that route.

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So I have been working on this this year since I started this thread and I finally completed my little rack. There is still a bit of space, but can’t afford to fill any more and I super happy with it.

I have tried to go ITB as much as possible, but kept hitting a wall as far as saturation/distortion. So thanks for all the help earlier this year!



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How do you like the Neve 542 tape saturation? I really love those


Love my 542’s. Great transformer saturation and the silk circuit is just a make better knob, have never tried it on something and it not improved the source.

I don’t use them on master bus anymore since I got the Anamod, but they usually live on my drum bus


I’m loving them too… they are the “transformer” saturation option in the rack to go along with the tube saturation (tubedrve) and solid state saturation (karacter). The germ 500s are new and I will be testing them out next week after I finish crimping connectors for my new patch bay.

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Been curious about the germs, wondering how different they are than the lil devils. Great preamps but can deliver insane distortion on synths and drum machines


Here my 500er Setup


Dang some of you have some serious 500 series racks!

Anyone have the Xpressor 500 series? Does it feels cramped to use?

I wish I could try out all these lovely looking preamps, but every time I consider the idea I wonder how they stack up against a culture vulture on subtler settings, with the view that the CV can be more versatile and can go up to 11 if needed.

Xpressor is great, doesn’t feel cramped to me at all


Lovely set up, a fair few compressors with lots of different flavour I imagine. Curious about the Little Devils and also the Anamod and how they fit alongside the bread and butter Xpressor?