35min AR Direct Feed

Cenk, you’ve got that AK sounding gorgeous in a lot of places.

:+1: :+1: :+1: This is the demo I’ve been waiting for.

In any case it would have been worth it just to see Cenk popping up from behind the desk like that :joy:

Best pop up from behind a desk in the biz. :slight_smile:

Look forward to watching. The AK looks sweet on the desk too.

I so so so badly want a job at Elektron right now!!!
Forget fame and fortune…

Let’s focus on what’s really important here…

don’t flame me guys…& this is absolutely not a diss on Cenk at all - as we know he’s an Elektron jedi - but I am looking forward to hearing some proper sounds & patterns from the AR, as frankly what I’ve heard thus far wouldn’t persuade me to drop £1300 on this. Early days & all that I know & I’m about 99.8% certain that the AR will be totally bad ass…but I’m really looking forward to hearing some bread & butter beats if you know what I mean. The tuned tom & cowbell melodic tweakery with distortion is one thing, but I’m not surely not alone in being excited & anxious to hear the AR do some straight 808 / 909 / 606 style kicks,snares, hats, claps, toms etc etc…

But in Elektron we trust.

I would also like to hear the straight up analog charm (presence or lack of it) of the dedicated circuits. I know the sequencer, scene and performance options will be awesome, but until now it all sounds a bit to perfect for my taste. For this same reason I sold my A4 (before the last great update unfortunately).

What the Hell is under that Table ?

Nice one - thats a bit better, if hardly awe-inspring. Has anyone else seemed to notice that on pretty much all the demos you only seem to get a really ground shaking kick once a sample is layered underneath though - unlike the MD which just moves mountains with either the TRX or FM kick machines in in particular…? :neutral_face:

Again, probably just the videos that I’ve seen so far - need to wait 'til we get some proper demo gravy from Elektron. :+1:

that compressor seems to do its job okay :slight_smile:

yeah - that was the thing I’ve been most impressed with so far - awesome.

^Especially when combined with the Analog Distortion :slight_smile:


aww…Cenk…you see you’re just teasing us now ! :joy: Come on- you know it’s time for a properly recorded full audio demo … yes it is ! :wink:


Proper demos will come in good time :slight_smile:

I am happy to see a good recorded video of AK and AR thanks to Nova Musik. Its just so hard to get a good video during shows such as this. Maximum noise, all day work resulting low energy to give into music and machines, its just hectic.

kudos for holding up through the entire event…

& special thanks for the special elektronauts techno pattern :wink:

Thanks for that. Finally some normal sound exploring. This sounds more like it. Kinda pumping feel to it (on my tiny speakers at work).

I would say there are lots of opportunities to hear bread and butter sounds from this unit scattered throughout all the demos. In the Future Music vid DL even shows us the raw (default) Kick and Snare sounds!. We all know it’s gonna do 808/909 ish stuff, but every joint does 808/909 stuff I want to hear extreme examples of how this thing is different!!! I do think we get both from diff vids though.