i’m a little confused. i work in a 4/4 project but i want to play a loop that is 3/8.
how to make this loop to play rythmically correct? i have tried different option but it doesn’t loop as expected.
any advices? thanks!
i’m a little confused. i work in a 4/4 project but i want to play a loop that is 3/8.
how to make this loop to play rythmically correct? i have tried different option but it doesn’t loop as expected.
any advices? thanks!
if the tempo is right on the sample it should repeat every 3,6 or 12, 24 so on… should work. So set the track length to the right number of steps…
I assume that you have the loops on separate tracks.
Are you trying to get each track to loop independently with different durations? If so:
*In the PATTERN SETTINGS menu, set Scale Mode to ‘Per track’.
*In the SCALE SETUP menu, set SCALE TRACK appropriately for each track and set Master Length to either ‘INF’ or the lowest common multiple of your track lengths.
Are you trying to get each track to loop together with the same duration? If so:
*Use tempo multipliers in the SCALE SETUP menu.
Have fun!
hi guys, thanks for your advices. i just have a 2 loops: one is 4/4 kick loop, a second is 3 (and 6) bar loop. i want them to loop independent in sync.
i will try it.
I assume that you have the loops on separate tracks.
Are you trying to get each track to loop independently with different durations? If so:
*In the PATTERN SETTINGS menu, set Scale Mode to ‘Per track’.
*In the SCALE SETUP menu, set SCALE TRACK appropriately for each track and set Master Length to either ‘INF’ or the lowest common multiple of your track lengths.
Are you trying to get each track to loop together with the same duration? If so:
*Use tempo multipliers in the SCALE SETUP menu.
Have fun![/quote]
hi peter, sorry but it does not work for me. the 3 bars loop is not repeting 3 bars in a loop. it plays 1-2-3-1 bar sequence.
*In the PATTERN SETTINGS menu, set Scale Mode to ‘Per track’
its’ done, i have this one set already.
*In the SCALE SETUP menu, set SCALE TRACK appropriately for each track and set Master Length to either ‘INF’ or the lowest common multiple of your track lengths.
in the scale setup i have checked 48/48 - is it right?
how would you set this up?
thnks in advance
ok in this case the right number of steps is 48 = 3 bars. right?
I assume that you have the loops on separate tracks.
Are you trying to get each track to loop independently with different durations? If so:
*In the PATTERN SETTINGS menu, set Scale Mode to ‘Per track’.
*In the SCALE SETUP menu, set SCALE TRACK appropriately for each track and set Master Length to either ‘INF’ or the lowest common multiple of your track lengths.
Are you trying to get each track to loop together with the same duration? If so:
*Use tempo multipliers in the SCALE SETUP menu.
Have fun![/quote]
hi peter, sorry but it does not work for me. the 3 bars loop is not repeting 3 bars in a loop. it plays 1-2-3-1 bar sequence.
*In the PATTERN SETTINGS menu, set Scale Mode to ‘Per track’
its’ done, i have this one set already.
*In the SCALE SETUP menu, set SCALE TRACK appropriately for each track and set Master Length to either ‘INF’ or the lowest common multiple of your track lengths.
in the scale setup i have checked 48/48 - is it right?
how would you set this up?
thnks in advance[/quote]
Hi Jurek,
If I understand correctly, you want to have a track in 4/4 looping independently of a track in 3/8 and both finishing their loops together after 3 bars of 4/4 and 8 bars of 3/8? Please correct me if I am wrong.
I am assuming that each loop is of 1 bar of the respective time signatures so that the 4/4 track should have 16 steps and the 3/8 track should have 6 steps. If not, let me know.
If so,
*In the PATTERN SETTINGS menu, set Scale Mode to ‘Per track’
*In the SCALE SETUP menu, set SCALE TRACK for the 4/4 track to 16/16 and the SCALE TRACK for the 3/8 track to 6/16, and set the MASTER LENGTH to either 48 (lowest common multiple of 6 and 16) or INF.
Then tell us what happens.
If anyone has better advice for Jurek, please feel free to post.