2021, still no easy way to move patterns from a project to another?

Hi fellow Elektronauts

I’m using the OT for so many years now, I’m using it even more than ever, as for stage performance or studio. So yes I’m doing a lot of tunes with the OT but there’s still one thing that makes me really sad :
moving patterns with parts and samples from a project to another.

So I know you can copy / paste the data banks, but you still have to reconstruct manually the part, aka reload and re-assign samples (and eventually check if there are not loaded two times)
It’s very boring, you need to use a pen and stuff, it’s humiliating.

I did buy and use Octaedit, which is a very boring, unfinished, hardly reliable, piece of software, even for 99USD. But as far as I know, there’s no other software that can do this, so it is still the best software option.

Last thing I can think about is to use strictly the same sample list for all the projects supposed to be able to swap patterns/parts. It’s very limiting as you can not add new samples ever.

Does anyone would have other strategies and could share ?

Cheers !

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Moving Patterns Between Projects