2 years on and my OT still smells like burnt silicon

Anyone else still have this? It’s not a huge deal, just find it interesting that it’s retained this smell for so long. Usually electronics seem to have this when new but it goes away after a few weeks.

Mine hasnt smelled of anything for aslong as i remember…
then again… I fart allot… and i smoke more then a hippie at a festival.

I love the smell, every time I lift the PL-1 from my 2 yeras old OT I get a big smile on my face! Maybe they have a special engineer at elektron employed just for odours, like in car manufacturers i.e. Audi? :joy:

I’ve had mine for two and a half years and it smells the same.

Mine smells the same too. And actually, I like that.

I’ve never noticed that smell, to be honest. Is it after having been used for some time, or basically whenever you sniff it?

Mine smells as soon as I lift the cover off, or if it’s warmed up from being on awhile. Reminds me a lot of when I used to build PCs, the very first time you turned one on it would often get that silicon smell for a few days.

great to hear I am not the only one with a smelly Octa track :slight_smile:

must say I do love the smell Of Octa in the morning

I do not have this smell - eh, I mean my octratrack …

I noticed that ozoney smell faintly when my OT’s headphone jack acted wonky the other night o.O could just be coincidence.

Didn’t notice anything amiss last night, though.

Mine is a preorder unit, though I ashamedly have not been using it constantly since purchase.

My octatrack is in storage right now. But I’ll be sure to give it a whiff when I’ve got the space again.

Yup, I’ve had the smell since day 1, still going strong.

Sometimes I forget that I left my Elektrons turned on, and I go do other things, then I come back in the room and get freaked out that something is burning!
Then I realize it’s just Octatrack, and I’m like: Oh, Octatrack!

lol, the Pig-Pen of Elektron?

That’s not electrical components burning, you’re just smelling the essence of all that power.

yes, my octatrack is also a quite smelly machine. smells sort of new but not in the best way, kind of dirty-new. it’s not at annoying levels but i wish it’d go away.

Mine didn’t smell at all last night >.>

so maybe I was smelling something from outside the first time.