2 OT questions I still haven't figured out

I’ve searched through the forums, the manual, youtube videos, etc and still can’t for the life of me figure out how to do either of these:

  1. How do you re-assign a recorder buffer to it’s specific “R1…R8” FLEX machine slot (you know, the 8 “Recording 1-8” slots that sit about the rest of the FLEX slots in the FLEX machine list)? A bit more background: When I’ve recorded a sample into a Recorder buffer, and I’m happy with it, in the recording setup menu, you can hit [FUNCTION]+[BANK] to pull up a menu as to how you want to handle this recording buffer. If one hits the “SAVE THIS RECORDING” option, you name the new sample and hit YES, which then brings up a screen that states “ASSIGN TO SELF”, “ASSIGN TO FREE FLEX”, or “ASSIGN TO FREE STATIC”. In this case, I accidentally hit the “ASSIGN TO SELF” and now my RECORDING 1 buffer has been replaced with this new sample in the FLEX machine slot. I can’t figure out how to get the preset RECORDING 1 buffer back into it’s respective R1 slot. Any one have this issue/know how to fix this?

  2. This one I feel like I should know by now, but how do you remove a sample from the FLEX machine sample slots (the list of samples you’ve assigned from the audio pool to the FLEX machine slots, it gets pulled up when you double-tap a track)? I’ve assigned samples to the FLEX machine that I no longer have use for and they’re now just taking up my FLEX memory. Any ideas on this one as well?

Thanks for any help! Glad I could write a ton for my first post lol.

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  1. just record over it?

  2. when in slot view, press fct+play (clear)

Press track selector appropriate to the buffer you wish to restore plus Bank. From menu that appears select Clear Slot and press Enter/Yes. A dialogue panel saying " Clear Recording - Disassociate the audio file with this recording ?" will appear. Press Enter /Yes.

and dont forget to add the recorded and saved sound on a new slot into a flex machine to use it in the arr, if you clear/record the sample. Simple “oversampling” can work, if you do not have a trig to play the recording. otherwise you can clear with fct+play

Ok, my #2 question makes a ton of sense now, not sure why I didn’t put two and two together. For #1, I think the [FUNCTION]+[PLAY] command may actually work to bring the RECORDING 1 recorder buffer back (in this case, it’s my R1 slot). It’s not that I want to delete what I’ve recorded into a recorder buffer, it’s that I can no longer assign the buffer to a track because it’s not in it’s typical FLEX machine slot (in this case R1). I don’t have the OT in front of me right now, but when I do in a couple of hours, I’ll try these out and see what happens.

Thanks for all the help guys! I guess I’ll have to stick around and hopefully help out a little bit if I can! And of course ask more questions :wink:

if you think of track 1 as double duty doing a machine (flex, static, etc) and a recorder, it should make more sense :wink:

So [FUNCTION]+[PLAY] took care of both of my questions!! Simply having R1 selected in the flex machine slot list and pressing func+play re-loaded the RECORDING 1 buffer back into its appropriate flex machine slot (R1). I don’t know if that makes sense, or if I was clear at all from the beginning on exactly what I was searching for, but I figured it out.

Thanks a ton guys!

Yeah, all buttons with their RED text under them indicates what secondary function they have (where you need to hold down the function button to get this secondary function). I´m not sure if they all work in all menus or not. I haven´t tried them all in all menus, and I can imagine that they perhaps would be “useless” in some. But IIRC: copy, clear and paste works in several situations like i e regarding patterns, pages, parts…

Then you also have some “hidden” secondary functions on some buttons, like i e the navigation arrows (however they´re dependant on the menu in the display):

Function + UP / DOWN = trig mode selections
Function + LEFT / RIGHT = nugde trigs (in grid) back or forth

Page 142 - 144 in manual, shows a summary of all button combinations.