12 tracks 8 voices ? what's the logic?

Hello all,

my first post one this forum maybe it’s a silly one (sorry) :slight_smile:
(some big kiss to all Eu users i used to know :heart: , finally i’m back )

So there’s 12 sequencer drum tracks, 12 pads, each pad with a different voice name…
but only 8 voices ?
So got some questions …
Does the sequencer record seq from the different voices ?
Does some pads call the same voice but with different settings ?

Hey HDD, so There are 12 pads each with a track I think!!!?? If you look at the pads there are little lines showing which tracks share a voice.
Now, obviously there is voice stealing between those tracks. If anyone has better info please chime in, can’t wait for that manual.

Oh and welcome to the new forum good homie! nice seeing you!

Hey VF!
looks clear now; forgot about these lines, thanks

those tracks share voices but with different kit settings, and so got automatic mute

I think it is possible for Elektron to make the Rytm (MK1/MK2) with 8 analog voices and 4 Sample voices or 12 Sample voices etc. at the same time without voice stealing? I mean it is clear that the analog engine has only 8 voices, but the samples must be playable on the 12 Tracks at the same time?

Nope - everything goes through a filter and there are 8 of those only - well there’s only 8 voices arriving at the compressor , so whichever way you look at it it is what it is and that’s that I’m afraid - zero prospect of any modifications to the architecture imlo

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always nice to see resurrected threads

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Oh this is a pity.
I am new with the Rytm MK2 and thougt that could be possible, but I did not find an other thread with this topic.