Your setups [ 10k Archive]

Hey everyone! New member here. I’ve been lurking for quite some time and after reading a lot and watching loads of video’s on youtube I finally got a Digitone and Digitakt in the last few months. Really enjoying them so I thought I’d might as well join you guys here. I make music in a small section of my livingroom, looks like this.

As you can see I like effectpedals and only have room for a few machines when I’m working on new stuff. But minimalistic setups work for me so I’m happy :slight_smile: Missing in this picture are my MPC1000, Microbrute, Keystep and Fostex 4-track taperecorder.


It’s means nothing. I understand that you build your own one. It’s an another example. :smiley:

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Ok I see, I know that device, I was tempted to buy it, but since it’s so simple to recreate I decided to do it my self. :wink:

Nice! What’s your battery solution?

Hi, I’m new. :slight_smile:

Just grabbed a DN (first Elektron box) and am simply blown away by the sounds and possibilities.

I work from home, and it can be really hard to get anything done knowing that this is right behind me:

Still trying to figure out how I want things to work together, but having lots of fun in the meantime. Got rid of several larger keyboard synths this year and have been really happy working at a desk setup – lots more flexibility.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Thanks for the info. I have piezo transcuders here to try that soon. It’s such a nice thing to make these kind of sounds live on stage. It makes a huge difference for the audience to see it in a performance beside the electronic stuff and it is so much fun as an artist.

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Thanks for sharing. Sonification of plants or whatever gives also such nice sounds.

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So much to like here - the cozy living room, the monitor on the couch, the beautiful guitar, a Count to 5, and the DT + DN setup. I have a Digitone on the way, and I’m excited about using it along with my Digitakt, Heat and some pedals. Once I get that all setup, I’ll post a photo in here.

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One of the best looking rigs on this thread!


thnx for that. Nothing special. But i do appreciate minimalism, details like ideal cable length / cable quality / colors and esthethics in general more and more. Cable mess and tons of gear have their own fascination as well (and had for me not long ago). But now those little minimalistic details are boosting my creativity.
I’m getting old - thats all. :slight_smile:


Getting refined


My pleasure. I totally agreee

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Astros vs Mariners?

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Walk off homer for you if it is!

Just been sent these from Waldorf yesterday to program new content, already have the BloKeys but the desktop will do nice for my live rig… also waiting for my Waldorf STVC beta/factory sounds unit in the next week, sounds interesting…



This is my current setup. Hope to add an Ob6 next month :smiley:


Yanks white Sox. Yanks 4-3

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Nice. I have the Blofeld Keys and Pulse 2. Really like their sound. I’ve been wanting a Blofeld desktop but have heard there’s issues with the newer versions with the encoders again, so ended up with the Digitone for something multitimbral instead. Much better interface, but I kinda wish it was a Blofeld engine instead!

Been testing the encoders on mine here they feel pretty solid more than my KB version. The pulse 2 tho is fab it’s my second unit since I did the factory sounds back in 2013, love this thing