Why is this forum so nice?

oh god no
brad coburn


It’s funny you mention that because usually the people I meet for Craigslist or ebay pickup for gear look nothing like expected but we end up spending an hour at the coffee shop talking about production and GAS

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Just for sh**z and giggles I’ll mention that the first thread title that crossed my mind for a picture thread was
“Here I am Baby, Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I’m Yours” :joy::joy:


only forum I read on a daily basis it’s great <3


Me too ^^


Every time I go to the bathroom I end up on here not pooping now but that’s usually how it goes down and I poop everyday lol


That’s possibly a little too much information, but it’s funny as sh*t… :joy:


I was feeling the love in here like a family lmao


I’m all about the family style…

It’s either a fun community of friends, or Gear War opinion battles…
I choose the former… :smile:

By all means feel free to share whatever’s on your mind, anytime…


Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle… :joy:
I never saw that dog in there, I’m not even sure I had any thoughts of what is was, I just accepted it…

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Let’s keep it on topic please

I did not realise how hideous I am until this moment. I’m a monster!

Good moderation and good comradarie.

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Nice forum. People are actually doing stuff whether creating or collecting. I also get the sense no one on here is trying to be the next Deadmaus or Armin Van Burin.

Plus. It’s hard to download a ‘cracked’ version of the Octatrack. So there’s that to.


Sometimes these forums feel like kindergarten. Friendly, yes, but a little too safe.
Has some overtones of astroturf and critiquing elektron sometimes leads to strong reactions not unlike seen in the ‘leave britney alone’ video.


Ain’t nothing wrong with being excellent to each other :slight_smile: :heart:

I love that people speak up in defense of women in synth-tech, for example. I love that people here think about it, and see it as important enough to raise sometimes.

I hate it when people are nasty to each other; that can come from anyone … not taking a second to review what you’re about to post is sometimes all it takes to ruin someone’s day :frowning:

And I think there’s never really a good excuse for it. It’s not hard to not be nasty; and the fact that the majority of people on this forum seems to be able to be nice and express themselves clearly and respectfully speaks volumes about this community!

That’s why I stay here. Thank you to all of you. Especially to the moderators. :beers:

Edit: PS: obviously the rest of the reason is that this forum has some really switched on and experienced and helpful folk in it :slight_smile: and reading questions from less experienced people (like myself) is a super great way to learn.


I never thought about why this forum was nice until this thread, and I’ve seen some really good comments grok on a gut level and psychological level ( small community of adults discussing days events at the pub, looking out for each other’s interests and trying to help by relaying personal experiences… generally being buds )

I came here researching an OT purchase, became a full-on fanboy, and just love it here. There are some amazingly creative, intelligent, talented folks that contribute ( some on a daily basis ), and I think that’s why it’s so “nice”. There have been days where the only web thing I checked at all was Elektronauts.

I forget the thread, but someone described this place as “Elektron Park”… folks hanging about, making music, helping someone fix or come to grips with whatever they’re trying to do… it’s the camaraderie I see from my bicyclist friends on their group rides, or car people asking each other about blowers and gear ratios, ours just happens to be virtual.

The help and insight I’ve received just by reading posts and following suggestions made me feel welcome and reinforced the desire to pay it back and help others out. To me, that is how a community should get along.


It is nice around here, I like it too, why are there seemingly zero girls? I guess I don’t really know that because, well avatars, but it seems like half the population (girls) aren’t here. (Tumble weeds go by)

I heard a rumor that there’s a girl on here

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