Who can post their first ever electronic music recording?

Flattered, thanks!

But not to worry, I managed to find my 2 first ever tracks; made in Reason 2. I think I was 15-16. So I contribute to collective embarrassment :slight_smile:


I had dabbled in music making off and on over the years but things started to click a few years ago and I made this, my first ā€œfullā€ track, in GarageBand iOS.


ā€¦the earliest recordings i could post here are from the mid 90iesā€¦and those canā€™t count for very first recordings anymore alreadyā€¦

an old friend of mine still thinks, he has my very last 4 track tape recorder work somewhere, since it was music for his very first art exebition, but heā€™s still searching for itā€¦from time to timeā€¦heā€™s changing places soon, so it might be a good last chance to ask him againā€¦

really enjoy all ur sonic time snippetsā€¦while puh, those who have it on video, really tell me how old i gotā€¦

and @Jeanne ā€¦wow, in another time dimension, we would have played in the same bandā€¦


Thats the kind of comment you could have kept to yourself.

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Sorry, what I wrote came across wrong! I like your posts and music and automatically created an image in my head. When I saw your picture it was clearly different and hence my image was ruined. Nothing wrong with your picture of course. It was meant to be humorous. Iā€™ll see myself outā€¦


My first recording is from Feb 2021, of snippets of the first few patterns I programmed on the Model:Cycles, which Iā€™d only had a short while. It is not good. Recordings start to be bearable about six months later.


Iā€™ll post my oldest file, and my oldest song. These are from early 2010 according to the Last Modified date, which seems about right. Iā€™m simultaneously cringing and feeling quite nostalgic listening to all these, and amazed at just how much Iā€™ve grown musically and as a person. I also canā€™t believe I inflicted these on people I considered friends.

These both would have been made in Fruity Loops 7. No idea what VSTs I would have used. The drums were all stock drums because I was lazy.

First recording:

First song:


iā€™d love to share, but itā€™s on a minidisc somewhere unknown, 1999, a weird enclosed booth at northbrook college in Worthing, where me and this guy just freaked out with some guitar pedals and a sampler. it was my first experience of just using fingers and ears to see where the sound would take us in the moment. it was most likely shit, but my memory has tinted it up to be something mindblowing. if i find it iā€™ll definitely upload, but no post today.

before this rebirth made me think i was making real acid, and my yamaha pss made some weird music GCSE tracks, but there on a cassette archive in a school somewhereā€¦


Ha! This reminded me of something that Iā€™d completely forgotten, which is that I took a computer music elective in 1980, and for my final project transcribed a Bach organ fugue, and designed a different timbre for each of the four voices. It took something like fifteen minutes to render to a sound file on the minicomputer in the lab. I had a recording of it on cassette tape but itā€™s long since vanished.

This guy was the instructor. He was a grad student at the time.


Edit: hereā€™s a more detailed bio and interview. I think I really lucked out with this.



This appeared on a cassette compilation at some point in ~1993; itā€™s edited down from a track on my first album, which was much longer and possibly less listenable. It was based around some BBC radio therapy discussion recordings plus a sampling delay pedal snagging bits of Amiga-generated sounds through a cheap flanger and was messed up and remixed on a 4-track. Iā€™ve not been able to find the original tapes of the full album for years. Itā€™d be interesting to hear what that sounds like again though.

Thereā€™s some earlier experiments around under another name somewhere too, but are probably less electronic and more musique concrĆØte.


thatā€™s fucking cool

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I would have listened to that in 1993 :smiley:


Fruity Loops songs are long lost and gone. I remember how much I liked that 505 and 909 kitsā€¦ still today.

Had a lot fun during collegue with a Casio keyboard and my electric guitar rig, but those recordings are also lostā€¦ very sad. probably sound better in my memory anyway.

The oldes thing that still survives is from the time I got Ableton for the first time, perhaps 2016~2017 I guess:


Cheers :slight_smile:
No itā€™s been produced with Reason. That was my very beginning of electronic music makingā€¦


Reason is so good! Especially if you used it from the beginning. Subtractor is still one of the best soft synths in my opinion.

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So much diversity in this thread. Does anyone still make music in the same style?

Earliest example I have is from 1992: Korg DSS1, Ensoniq ESQ-1, Tascam Porta Two, Atari 1040 STE, Cubase v2 & Yamaha R100 mixed to cassette.

DSS1, Portastudio and Yamaha FX on loan, courtesy of sharing kit with friends and alternating every few weeks.

Mined this style for a few years. Recovered and mastered loads of these old songs in 2020.

Recorded this one a few months later. Roland MC202 & Alesis Quadraverb+, still mixing to cassette, got a DAT machine shortly after.


The music I made in 2010 is hardly recognizable as me in most cases. I knew what I wanted to make, but lacked focus, knowledge, and a desire to truly learn. In 2014 I made a conscious choice to learn how a song actually works. My music significantly improved, but I didnā€™t really start to find my sound until around 2019, and even then my album in 2020 is very different from my albums in 2021 or 2023.

When I went back to my old recordings for this thread, I encountered a lot of really weird, experimental stuff. Most of it is very bad, often unlistenable. Bad mixing, bad sound choices, mediocre compositional choices. Itā€™s an audio journal of myself learning how music works and how to do synthesis without much help, or without the emotional maturity to receive proper advice (my only source of which was watmm, for better or worse).


maybe 1 in 10 today


Likely a box somewhere with many C90 tapes with ReBirth sessions recorded.
Used to make and share them with friends for listening to on car sound systems or smoke-filled playstation sessions.

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NIN Made 200 Tracks :stuck_out_tongue: