Where's the price going?

So I recently purchased a second hand sps-1 mkI, that was falsely labelled as a mkII. I ended up getting a partial refund, so ultimately I spent $450 on it, which i think is a pretty okay deal for what it really is. But I really want those 64 step patterns… 32 steps is just awkward. It’s true I can chain patterns etc to work around it but still.

Anyway, my question is… if I really wanted a mkII, should I try to flip this mki and hunt down a mkii now? Currently i only see 2 mkii’s for sale for 750 or 850 respectively. Is there any reliable way to guess where the price will go in the next few months/years?

Sorry I know how annoying these kinds of posts can be but i’m hoping someone here could give me some insight. I’d feel really salty if i keep this thing then in 6 months i’m seeing sps1 mkii uw’s around for $700

I do really love this machine tho. If i have to keep the one i have it wouldnt be the worst thing

Thanks elektronauts :sparkling_heart::two_hearts:

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