What's next for Elektron?

there it is!

I like the effort though, love seeing mock ups of gear

Even though I knew it was fake I still found myself scrutinizing all the features as if it were real…


The first thing that hits my eye always are the page scroll buttons :open_mouth:

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Yes, it does :slight_smile:

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I will be at NAMM soon to report! although I bet all be revealed at 10 am pacific time (1.5 hours from now)


Lucky! I would have went this year (I live in San Diego) but I just had a kid so it’s be at home time until I go back to work next week.

Actually I’m starting believing it’s really a Digitakt update. Look at the table color on Simon’s photo. It’s Digitakt color :smiley: !
ARmkII Analog Rytm mkII
A4mkII Analog Four mkII
OTmkII Octatrack mkII
AH Analog Heat
DT Digitakt

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called it :joy:


Pretty obvious innit? :smiley:

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Now we pivot this thread away from ‘what is Digitone??’ to the next thing…

I was thinking they’d definitely do a Monomachine Mk III (a ‘big brother’ to the lower-end Digitone, tabletop digital synth) but a comment by Simon recently made it seem like they’re not thinking ‘remake’ right now. Not sure if that means it’s definitely the death knell for the AK MK II, I still am hoping for one.

I’m going to guess they won’t be thinking a new premium priced single fx box like an Analog Heat is worthwhile.

Which brings me again to what is still lacking in the Elektron ecosystem - a performance mixer like the Roland MX-1 with tons of i/o for other elektron gear as a usb hub, master clocking, FX chains as inserts or sends, p-locked sequencing for all the effects, etc.

I don’t think the OT is up to the challenge as a ‘brain’ + mixer for the high-end Elektron units at this point - not least because it doesn’t have faders for channels!


I’d like to see it in the new MKII form factor too.

I’m thinking they will offer something delay/verb related in AH format.
Now that I think about it, maybe the FX box thing could work in that form factor, without the mixer stuff.
Either way, yeah lets keep this moving forward.

How’d you do that?


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How did you do that???


I could see a Digitakt form factor multithingy with the following:

  • Mixer with 4 stereo tracks
  • 4x effects per track
  • Digital 4 track recorder
  • You can also use the tracks of the recorder as loopers
  • 4 channel sequencer with song mode
  • p-locking effects, fader scenes and so on

EDIT: Why not make it the octababy and give the 4 tracks a sampler functionality too. Like you use two sampled tracks along two stereo inputs, or just one, or use this as a 4-track sampler.

The sampling would be oriented towards longer samples and loop cutting so it would not compete with the Digitakt too much in that regard. Resampling would also be in. Some kind of digital tape emulation would be fun, but maybe that’s too much of Teenage Engineering’s realm.

But can you imagine it? “Digitape, the digital 4-track tape studio with Tape Cutting and Overdubbing.” :smiley:


Scenes with a joystick instead of a cross


Sounds like a great idea to me, they would sell a ton of them.

Could they fit 4 of the OT-style faders on a box that size along with everything else needed?

I’m also thinking the faders could somehow duo as both volume faders in a mixer mode and scene crossfades in a scene mode (might be hard to use with non motorized faders though, since they would represent 2 different values simultaneously)

I think they might manage to fit 4 faders, and yeah, it would be cool if you could use them as mixer and scene crossfaders.

Perhaps it would have a mode of operation where you have like 4 recorded tracks and 4 sequenced and mixed in tracks playing simultaneously.

Somebody made a mock up of just that somewhere around here.

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