
I’m out. Thumbs up!

yeah i’m out too… sunshine :slight_smile:

but i’ll let it run

Looks fun! Lots of potential, very well done man :slight_smile:

Haha, that’s pretty damn awesome! Need to try this …

I kept hitting wrong parameters, but finally placed a trig. Damn, this is fantastic! :smiley:

Wow, nice job! Reminds me of this:

very cool indeed Void - you’re a genius! :+1: :joy:

thanks guys :slight_smile:

if you follow/retweet or otherwise share a link to the account, it helps make it more & better.

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okay we’re on:

commands go here:
listen live here:

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there’s a bunch of new commands…

the enumerator for steps etc. has changed syntax:

track 1 step 1^16'3'4 trig

// from step 1-through-16, place a trig in a 4-3 rhythm.

there are now p-locks… the enumerator can be used on their values…

e.g. like this:
track 1 step 1^16'2'1 lock p amp decay 0'16'64'32

you can now also change the pattern scale settings:

pattern mode [advanced / normal]
pattern scale [1/8, etc, 1, 3/2, 2]
pattern length [666]
track [1] length [13]

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commands for polyphony added:

poly alloc unison voices xoxo detune 64 spread 127

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commands for FX parameters are GO also:

track 5 param reverb decay 126

(no p-locks on fx track yet)

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…keeps getting better and better :slight_smile:

cheers… yea the CLI is almost done… what’s still missing is arp-pattern editing & p-locks on the fx track… and then maybe commands to ask for the current status…

How about a command set that includes genre names? So you send the instruction ‘Cheesy early-1990s house’ and it writes a pattern to the AF with 4 x kicks, some handclaps, a rolling bassline and some cheesy organ stabs.


Would it be possible to make the tweets about received changes replies instead of using . in front of them? You could still see the replies on the profile page, and then the important stuff like going online or offline would show up on the default twitter feed. As it is now this is way too spammy to follow.

^ agreed, fixed.

hmmm. you could write a twitter bot which generates commands which do just that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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crazy good idea

Are you using max or is this a object c app which “bridges” twitter and midi calls?

pretty much all ObjC… the string parsing & all MIDI stuff is included in the framework:

for accessing Twitter I’m using STTwitter:

you’re right, the actual app basically just pulls the text from the twitter stream and uses the framework to do all the MIDI work…

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