Trying to send midi notes as trigs to different samples on AR

Hey all. First post here. I was using Squarp Pyramid as my master controller for some time. Using a definition file, I was able to send trigs from my controller such as note0 for BD and note1 for SD. I am trying to achieve the same thing when sending the notes from cubase instead of Pyramid with no luck. Same issue happened when sending notes from Ableton. Any one have any idea how to achieve this??
thank you in advance!

Just ensure the MIDI notes you send are the lowest available - i.e. MIDI notes 0 > 11 - ignore the referencing system i.e. C0 etc

otherwise you’d need to use a different channel for each track and a different MIDI range which permits differering pitch (if enabled) - if you use the lowest 12 midi notes you can send on any channel

This is discussed elsewhere on the forum if you need further details


I forgot to mention that it is playing chromatically instead. I have searched the forums but have not found the answer? I’m sure its been brought up plenty.

Are you sure it’s sending the lowest possible midi notes?
Try sending the notes an octave lower if you can.
Some DAWs/midi devices will call this C-2(Yamaha standard) some will call it C-1(Roland standard)…