Tricks for sending large samples to MD?

I am new to machinedrum/sampling, Elektron and electronic music making in general…

I have a MD UW+ MKII and I am trying to send a sample from my computer to my MD through c6. I have successfully transported the sample to my MD but since the file size is too large it does not play the sample in its entirety??? (it is a 7 second loop, 594K.)

I am wondering if there are any tricks for sending large samples like this to the MD.

As a first experiment I tried increasing the tempo of the sample in my DAW to reduce file size (51k) and sent that version. I now have a sped-up version of my sample loaded in the MD and am trying to figure out if I can somehow slow it back down to normal playback?

As a second experiment I reduced the sample rate to 8000. This brought the sample size down to 109k and now it can ALMOST play all the way through, but still not entirely.

Is the answer painfully obvious? Am I just making things harder for myself?

What are your tricks?

7 seconds is not too long for MD Rom / Ram.
You have to set the MD tempo in order to match the sample tempo, with enough bars.
Do you know sample’s tempo / length ?

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Exactly, size is totally fine

WOW yes I was definitely making things harder for myself. Just matched the tempo and added some bars thank you so much!