Track not playing recorded trigs

Just got my digitone yesterday. On 3 tracks I have bass and lead type sounds. On track 4, I have a laser beam type sound. When I record, nothing plays back, although there is a trig lit in recording mode. I’ve maxxed out the Decay and release as well, still nothing. Any ideas?

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Check the voice settings ?

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Check that tracks aren’t muted

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I press function plus mute mode and track 4 is not muted.

Press function and mute mode twice. Is it muted there by chance? One mute mode is red (function + mute mode) and the other is purple (function + mute mode twice in quick succession)

The issue is not muting. I have bass on track 2 and this effect on track 4. When I mute the bass in the purple mute section, track 4 plays the effect. When I unmute track 2, track 4 will not play.

Check the voice settings like @Housecliche said. You can only have a max of 8 voices playing at a time so if adding the bass was the 8th voice then the lazer wouldnt play since it would be the 9th voice.

Its the one with the lip symbol left of the metronome button.

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Yeah that’s what the issue is. I’m looking at the manual and I don’t see what the brackets are for. Like 2[2] etc…

The brackets mean how many voices you have left and available to use.

So lets say you are on track 2 and you want to change the number of voices for that track. 1(4) means that this track will only play monophonic and there are 4 available voices to use in other tracks. D(#) means that the track will use any available voices at that current time.

If you know how many voices you will use in a track I would suggest to set it to a number and not to D because then you have to remember to switch it if you end up needing more voices in other tracks.