Tomorrow : Octatrack is back?

Hopefully it is just an OS update or restocking. Let a MKII or Overbridge update come in 2016, after they’ve caught up with all the OS, supply, and tech support issues, and actually released Overbridge for the Analog machines without bugs. If they go about making messes without cleaning up their old ones, it’s not going to lead to a better experience for anyone.

I am hoping for an MK2, with Overdrive and SD card. [/quote]
Why would you want the slower media? SD cards can at most transfer 10MB/s (Class 10 cards) whereas the 266x CF cards included with the current OT is ~40MB/s.
I say have it take 2.5" SATA 3.0 SSD’s (make it easily removable). Then we could see storage at 512GB’s to 1TB supported.[/quote]
Ah fair enough, I’ve always liked CF and personally don’t care too much. I’ve heard of several people wrecking the pins for their CF readers. It appears they are not quite as robust as they should be. Also CF seems to be going the way of firewire. I’ve just heard this thrown around that the next OT (if there is one) would have SD.

/\ This

Awe man! That sucks, the OT O.G paint job was so killer!

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If they release an MK 2, I’m sure the corresponding OS update would work on the MK1. All of Elektrons MK2 OS Upgrades have been backwards comparable. Sure with an OS upgrade the MK1 won’t have the hardware upgrades, but if an MK2 comes out, the MK1 should still receive the software updates.

LOL, I actually love the crossfader, But I’ve always imagined an Octa with an XY Pad. This way you could have scenes ABCD and interpolate between 4 scenes instead of just 2. Don’t think we’ll see this, but a neat idea.

The new paint and usb cable signals some kind of change (hopefully not just the paint) and I’ve said it before :\ but to me it would make total sense for new units to at least have the upgraded USB For overbridge capability (unlocked via os 2) which will work with original units (without over bridge potential) for bug fixes and features… that would warrant a video and is progress whilst not pissing anyone off too much.

it would upset people because elektron promised a lot of OS updates to the original machine that never manifested in addition to the bugs in the current machine. THAT is why people would be upset. that is, people wouldn’t be necessarily opposed to the new machine, they would be upset with their machine being abandoned.

in some respects, elektron has already done that to a certain extent. in coming out with the analog products, they have been the ONLY elektron product readily available for purchase. elektron has stated many times that they don’t ever plan to replace a previous machine, but if those machines aren’t available to purchase due to the development and release of new machines, then that statement effectively fails to hold.

I’d be stunned if it was anything more than restock. Things seem to be very slow over in Sweden these days and they’ve got some other messes to clean up with their newer boxes.

OS Update would be cool, but unlikely as they don’t seem to do that for the OT anymore. All they do is release sound libraries for their synths that are not working fully yet.


it would upset people because elektron promised a lot of OS updates to the original machine that never manifested in addition to the bugs in the current machine. THAT is why people would be upset. that is, people wouldn’t be necessarily opposed to the new machine, they would be upset with their machine being abandoned.
Mk2s that share OS with Mk1s? (Until at least mk1 is officially as far as it can go)

it would upset people because elektron promised a lot of OS updates to the original machine that never manifested in addition to the bugs in the current machine. THAT is why people would be upset. that is, people wouldn’t be necessarily opposed to the new machine, they would be upset with their machine being abandoned.
Mk2s that share OS with Mk1s? (Until at least mk1 is officially as far as it can go)[/quote]
yea, that is the only reasonable way, in my opinion, to handle the release of the mkii. however, i would be very surprised if that actually happened. they are behind on software updates on every product they make, especially the octatrack and new analog products, so if they suddenly had the time to release a new hardware octatrack plus the same software for both, that would be a christmas miracle.

there was a recent post on here stating their support request had been ignored for a month. elektron responded and said they just didn’t have the ability to keep up with the support requests and are trying to catch up.

^ I agree I wouldn’t expect a drastic change but a mk2 simply with OB/computer integration (which is obviously a direction they plan on going in the future and simply isn’t possible with mk1s) is reasonable…

a sorta mk2

it’s a slight rebuild because of the difficult-to-obtain-part . this would allow them to nudge the line forward using an out of their control detail, in a sense absolving them in the mind of reasonable.

if mk1 users are lucky, we will be able to get the update done to our devices.

pipedream: update will allow overbridge. (think of how many of us would pay for this…). and this would put them in the similar ground as the new electribe sampler.

having said that, the amount of build up and fanfare here supports at best an os update, octatrack’s back in stock, and promise of direction with the line.

a little off-topic, but i’m curious if the pace of support and communication is bothering one demographic more than another.

what i’m really wondering is if only bothers impatient americans (like me), or a general modern sense of what support should be?

isn’t your source under NDA?

either they trusted you to keep the info to yourself, or they don’t care. both cases have a funny smell to them.

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If they release an MK 2, I’m sure the corresponding OS update would work on the MK1. All of Elektrons MK2 OS Upgrades have been backwards comparable. Sure with an OS upgrade the MK1 won’t have the hardware upgrades, but if an MK2 comes out, the MK1 should still receive the software updates. [/quote]
What I am saying is that I don’t want to see any new products from Elektron until they finish their current workload. Get everything else in order, gain back the confidence of the user base that was there just a few short years ago, and then hit us with the next thing to bleed our wallets dry. I just barely got my OT a few months ago after purchasing it in early January. I don’t particularly want a MKII to happen any time soon, because it’s a bit of a slap in the face unless they will just let new owners swap for the new version (not gonna happen). If they came out with a version that could be upgraded to use Overbridge and required a hardware upgrade, I’d be fine with sending my unit to them for the additional functionality…but not when you see story after story here about month long waits to even get a reply and extended repair times as they try to keep up.
If you keep throwing house parties but never clean up your house in between, eventually nobody is going to want to come to your parties because your house is messy and smells bad. I’d rather see Elektron finish cleaning before they send out any more invitations.

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If they release an MK 2, I’m sure the corresponding OS update would work on the MK1. All of Elektrons MK2 OS Upgrades have been backwards comparable. Sure with an OS upgrade the MK1 won’t have the hardware upgrades, but if an MK2 comes out, the MK1 should still receive the software updates. [/quote]
What I am saying is that I don’t want to see any new products from Elektron until they finish their current workload. Get everything else in order, gain back the confidence of the user base that was there just a few short years ago, and then hit us with the next thing to bleed our wallets dry. I just barely got my OT a few months ago after purchasing it in early January. I don’t particularly want a MKII to happen any time soon, because it’s a bit of a slap in the face unless they will just let new owners swap for the new version (not gonna happen). If they came out with a version that could be upgraded to use Overbridge and required a hardware upgrade, I’d be fine with sending my unit to them for the additional functionality…but not when you see story after story here about month long waits to even get a reply and extended repair times as they try to keep up.
If you keep throwing house parties but never clean up your house in between, eventually nobody is going to want to come to your parties because your house is messy and smells bad. I’d rather see Elektron finish cleaning before they send out any more invitations. [/quote]
I feel you man, this is a totally fair perspective. I might be a bit pissed if I just bought a brand new Octa, instead of selling mine hoping for a future MK2. I gotta say though, a company has to release a new product some time. There are always people who are going to have just bought it and be pissed. I remember I bought an MPC200XL back in the day and the 4000 came out soon after and I was PISSED! I paid an arm and a leg for that new 2KXL! Had to dish out for the memory expansion, 8-outs expansion, Card Reader. Like 3 grand later I traded it for DSI evolved Desktop :frowning:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Looks like back in stock and maybe OS1.25c but updates are most of the time on thursday or friday. Also, Elektrons main focus right now is Overbridge! When ready it’s no brainer to see how interesting this would be for a new OT or upgrade!

Wouldn’t a hardware upgrade with os update for all be enough to please everybody? Honestly, if you buy tech that gets replaced, so what? It’s ineveitable. It WILL happen, timing may suck but that’s life innit?