Tips & advice on copying & deconstructing patterns/kits on A4

Just got a MKII and I love it. Since I already have a Digitakt most of the workflow seems familiair to me. After reading a lot of old posts on the forum and watching tutorials, I think I mastered the basics now.

There is one thing I am curious about: when I am firing up a new project, I make a kit (kit 1), noodle around, make a pattern (ptn 1) and then save the kit.

When I am copying ptn 1 to ptn 2, it copies kit 1 along. I want to change some parameters in ptn 2, but if I do that, it changes the sounds in ptn 1 as well.

What’s your workflow when copying patterns + kits, if you want to dramatically change the sound in the new pattern? Is renaming the kit the fastest one? Or are there quicker ways to do this?


I think you also have to copy the kit1 to kit2 as well and assign it to ptn2. Unless I missed the point of your question :confused:

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Mistake on my part. You have to copy the kit too. You are right.

So copy -> save as kit 2, is the quickest then?

Once on the new pattern save the kit again in a new spot before tweaking…


As vorlis said!

Check this. I can’t find the sysex file, maybe I’ll do my own Tabula Rasa. AFAIK the principle is to have a project with all kits already assigned to their corresponding pattern, maybe more?

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Feeling like a total n00b here, but I still can’t get it to work. What I did:

I made a kit (only containing one sound on track 1)
I made a bass pattern with it (I have a drum track running in the Digitakt)

Then I wanted to go to pattern 2 to let the bass sound evolve a bit (tweak filters and stuff)
So in the kit folder I copied Kit 1 to the second slot and renamed it Kit 2

But still when I tweak the bass sound of Kit 2, the bass sound in the first pattern also changes.

So basically: I want to copy a kit and pattern and then tweak both without changing the sound in the other patterns.

Help? :thinking:

That’s the wrong way around.

Normally when you have already a pattern and a kit:

  1. Copy active pattern
  2. Go to new pattern + paste
  3. Save kit to a different slot
  4. Save pattern

Take-away: when saving a kit to a new slot/name this copy gets assigned to the active pattern.

What you’ve basically done: You assigned Kit2 to both patterns.


Thx a million, man! Read a zillion posts (and the manual) but couldn’t for the love of god figure out how.

And there it is. So simple, once you know it. :pray::pray::pray:

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You could also trigger steps on pattern2 to create those evolving sounds, that way you don’t have to create a kit02?