Teenage Engineering OP-Z

To be fair I guess it has some sort of benefit to counter back and forth to understand more why each people like different stuff… But only a couple times, there’s never some absolute answer to arrive at…

Personally I use what I use and that’s it. I don’t care what other people think of my gear choices, has no affect on me whatsoever nor does it ever even slightly begin to sway the opinion of gear I already have… People can hate my gear if they want and tell me it sucks, it won’t bother me one bit and I’ll still love it… :smile:
(Of course I’d rather they be chill and not say that, but just sayin:rofl:)


A year ago you were realistic already, respect! Youre not far off as we know now :slight_smile: It was stupid to hope that this will not go over the 400 € mark … im still curious how it works without the Screen. The finger acrobatics and memorization of dozens of different key combinations looks unattractive to me in the first place. But i was also not thinking that the OP-1 will get me that much - especially because i cannot play live or in time and the OP-1 is usually best suited for Keyboarders with good timing :slight_smile: It still works for me. So - Lets see how the OP-Z Story turns out. Still lots of months to go as it seems now :frowning:

well, I was still 100 bucks off, but the opz made quite a good impression @ superbooth this year. much better haptics than last year and I think they organized the ui quite good, so that you can use it without a screen. it has a really good step sequencer that might become better than the ones from elektron. Im very curious to listen to the final synth sounds. But the biggest issue they have to overcome is to make people believe that this is more than a toy — tough marketing.

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I didn’t like the op-1 at all
This makes even the op-1 look good
Why would anyone want this?
Genuine question

2 posts were split to a new topic: Sterile chat

I do believe OP-Z, as OP-1, will become the best instrument to bring in the park while watching kids, in the train, at some friend’s place, or even in the toilets…
Any time you watch or play with your phone, replace it by a device such as OP-1/Z or POs and bang, improvisation mode on !


I was originally interested in it because I am traveling a lot this year and I was thinking that if the OP-Z could sequence the PO32 and PO33 and record everything to the iPhone, and even add video for uploading to YouTube, it would be a perfect super compact travel rig. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to do any of that stuff (not that it was ever promised of course).

If the sampling and drums are as good as the PO32 and PO33, maybe I could justify it, but what I probably need is a compact iPhone recording interface and small midi controller.


It seems like a strange design choice.
From what I can gather this needs to be used in conjunction with a phone/iPad/computer due to its interface.
As you are tethered to a host, I then wonder where the appeal comes from.
Although the controls don’t seem so intuitive, I guess they still play a part in the user experience.
Even though I didn’t like the OP-1, I can understand it’s appeal to a certain market, seeing as it is a standalone portable music making device

I don’t like to rain on a parade and op-z looks fun but I can never see myself sitting down and putting on a full album of stuff that sounds like that. Honestly the crowd even look a bit confused. Lots of people will support TE to the death saying “it’s not a toy” but it totally seems like a toy. Not in the sense that a child could play with it, but everything that I’ve heard come out of it makes me feel like I’m super mario on 6 E’s


It’s optional from what they say, but the assumption is that lots of people are always carrying around an upgradeable screen with them (iPhone) anyway, so it pairs wirelessly with it. That part makes sense to me.

I’d love it if they added bluetooth midi to the op-1

I wanna like it, but not sure what they’re offering. I liked the idea of the video editing but from the tutorial, it seems really basic. I wish it was more like Video Synthesis stuff.

Much rather get an OP-1, hope this makes the OP-1 price drop

pair up the op-1 with an iphone/ipad and a portable Audio Interface. this really does broaden the appeal, i record directly to BM3, can add effects and can make a whole track this way. also, i can use the arpeggiator with ios apps just by hooking the op-1 to a cck. use this in cubasis or bm3.

i’ve also got the op-1 hooked up to the digitakt, which will trigger samples from the op-1. can really do some great things with this setup. lots of fun.

i’ve often though about selling it, especially now with the op-z coming along. but i love its limitations and it does seem to play nicely with other equipment with out too much fuss.

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Really like the idea, REALLY LIKE IT, but why tie a main functionality to apple… honestly, Apple sucks

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I’ve heard from a pretty reliable source that the OP1 is now a pretty limited item, as it uses a screen no longer in production. Maybe they’ve sourced another, but as of last summer they were running out.

Apple do suck but any device with a screen and Bluetooth can be used…

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That’s a must, imho! I just keep seeing references to iOS, and no mentions on android app…

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Yeah it’s mentioned (device support) in a couple vids but I forget which.
It would have to be future proofed and although I imagine Apple will still be steamrolling over the world in years to come, support for other devices would be essential.
Wouldn’t be surprised if TE released their own ‘screen’ at a boutique price!
I think TE have been real clever with this approach.
I can’t wait for the OP-Z, the sequencer with a modular will be fun fun fun (of the autobahn).

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Only Apple devices are supported at the moment: https://www.teenageengineering.com/products/op-z_preview

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