The Monomachine seems to be sold out... how is Elektron repair?

So it looks like the MnM is sold out on the website.

With that being the case, how is Elektron’s repair services? I have my used one that I got a month ago, and I love it so much that if it breaks, I may cry.

What kind of experiences have y’all had with Elektron’s repair services? Do they have any in the USA?

and several other threads.

They are ok.
The only reason why I say they are ok, is because I had sent my OT for checkup due to a weird volumen knob malfunctioning. They told me everything was ok, haha but they returned me the OT with hairs and dirt inside the screen.

I can see those little hairs everytime I turn it on.

Never thought of opening it and clean it myself tho. I might do that thing now!

Is that it for the monomachine? Will there be no newly manufactured ones? I also wonder how long Elektron will service them. I feel my knobs not as smooth as they used to be.:confused:

My impression is that there will be no more MnM or MD made. Both are sold out on the site.

bittersweet. prices will rise on the mm now. i don’t want things to be expensive for people but i did feel somewhat bad that the poor mm was valued so poorly by the marketplace. mki’s were going for dirt cheap for a time.

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I think it is really weird that Elektron announced a sale due to supposed overstock and then immediately ran out of machines when a large number of people, myself included, placed an order. It would be a very bad business decision to decide to not ship machines for orders placed.

Update: I heard back from my inquiry directly to Elektron. They told me that more Monomachines are coming, expected in early April in Sweden. I did not ask about why they sold out so quickly, but they told me that they sold out the units they had “on their shelves” much faster than expected.