Status update on Overbridge [posted May 2018]

did you consider theyre on holiday at the moment and comms is quite slow ?
or that they already have enough people for mac .

so many ways to interpret ‘no answer’ …

and to assume ‘they already know the bugs’ is a bit weird considering its in beta , otherwise they wouldn’t need to do it.

i’m going to block this thread , might be back in a few weeks.

Could be good, could also backfire large.

Ive always felt the company making a product needs to do what they have to do, to feel proud about what they want to release to the public.

Their name is on the product…the choice is theres.
Our choice is wait or move on.
Based on my past experience with this company…i choose to wait.

Considering the monumental delay, everyone should at least have a choice of whether they want to play with the beta or not, not just a select few.


I did not sign up for the closed beta because macOS Mojave 10.14 was not listed in the sign up form. So I asked the day (2018-07-06) when Elektron came up with the closed beta news.

Any other Elektronauts that are beta testing macOS Mojave 10.14? And did you sign up on the closed beta of Overbridge 2.0 and got accepted by Elektron?

That it works fine for a couple of people with a couple of setups doesn’t mean a lot in software development.
So, basically, no, QA is not finished yet.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Pointless bickering

Yeah, you are right - later commenters indicated that the current version has glitches and distortion in the audio stream which is a serious issue. Unfortunately this means it won’t probably ever work reliably as they have had plenty of time to do the ”QA” at this point.

Why the rush to go to an OS that isn’t available to the public yet? Apple is notoriously hard to future-proof software against. I could see the complaint if Overbridge were made by Apple, but aside from that there’s no point. Third party guys always have to play patch-and-catch-up. If there are big changes in Mojave, I wouldn’t expect Overbridge compatibility until the beginning of 2019 earliest. That’s just the way it is.

It certainly looks like macOS Mojave 10.14 will come out sooner than Overbridge 2.0.

Elektron could at least tell to wait with updating the macOS to Mojave 10.14.

When I still used Mac OS, I never updated as soon as a new os came out. Many software fall behind because of how fast Mac releases new os’s. Best is to stay a year or 2 behind. If it works it works, no reason to update. Has always been like this and every professional I know that still uses Mac OSX works like this as well.


Totally agree about this, but it’s up to Elektron to communicate this.

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Isn’t this under the new law enforcement in Germany about advertising products without exact/specific release dates? I know this became an issue for game devs recently, but nevermind “coming soon,” but rather this one says it on my box…

Anyone know how this is being handled in Germany? Just curious…

First time I hear about this… any source? I’m always telling my customers “it’s done whrn it’s done.” and no one ever told me sth. about false advertising.

Serious request: a source would be very nice. TIA.

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first google result

Apparently started with a Samsung Galaxy pre-order, and went to the high courts of Germany to include all industries, including music/movies/video games. And video game pre-order has become massive in the past decade. Wish the US had some sort of consumer protection in general…

Anyway, looks like the law applies to OverBridge based on the fact that THEY TOOK MONEY for it. I didn’t read the whole thing, but something about announcements not counting, unless they take money. Then they need to deliver ON THE DAY or before. Otherwise there can be fines and penalties. in the comments here

Here is the article they all seem to link back to. I’m sure there’s a more “government” website source, but this is what cursory google searches yielded. Hope this helps!

No one has ever paid anything for overbridge.

At one point there was a proposed premium version of overbridge 2.0 but that was dissolved with one of the delay announcements.


i’ve moved on from Overbridge, don’t care for it. looking forward to DT mk2

Fine, file it under “false advertising” I guess…

Here’s the thing - I bought mine last spring, and if I knew I couldn’t use it the way it was advertised for over a year, I would have purchased something else instead (maybe another Elektron box, maybe not). Now I definitely can’t get a refund, because it’s been so long, and I have no recourse other than to sell it. I don’t want to sell it because I want to get my music off first. I can’t do that, because I need the software! (ironically, if I had the software, I wouldn’t want to sell it anymore!).

It’s quite a Catch-22 situation that I’ve been quietly following for a long time. Frustrating.

Lastly, they 100% DID take money for it. It is a part of the system (as advertised on the box). It says “Overbridge Enabled” on the back under “Highlights.” You know what this is all like? If they came out and couldn’t sample yet, only play factory sounds or USB loaded sounds, but it said “Sampling capability” and “64MB sample memory” on the back (as it does) and people say “Oh, give them a chance, it DOES sequence drum sounds which is why you bought it in the first place, right?? Stop complaining. A sampler doesn’t have to sample to be useful; if you don’t like it, sell it!”

What if OP1 came out and the battery couldn’t work without being plugged in all the time? “It’s portable!” but you can’t use it unless you have an outlet handy… “Don’t worry, battery charging feature is coming in fall 2017!.. I mean Feb 2018!.. I mean…”

this is a stupid argument. Bottom line is there has been false advertising and NO acknowledgement of it. If it comes out next week and a new customer buys it, doesn’t like the software, they can return it for a refund with no penalty, because that’s really a part of the product. Everybody else is left high and dry.

I’m a big fan of the sequencer, and if I had to do it again I’d probably buy an Elektron box to be honest - just not the DT!

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Will it be hardware-only and have multiple outputs and song mode instead of OB? Because that does sound appealing… If it keeps the small size, a battery/cordless option would be awesome, or a built in power supply like old MPCs?

This is such a tired argument, and sentiment that has been express to death on this forum. I get it, some people feel that overbridge enabled meant they were paying for overbridge.
Some people feel overbridge has always been a separate product.

I bought my dt last spring as well, having it over a year makes you no more special than anyone else around here. WE have all been waiting on overbridge for some amount of time. WE are all in the same boat.

Ultimately, are YOU going to take legal action? If so, do it. If not what’s the point of stirring up this nonesense yet again. Especially now that there is finally progress on the what’s going on with overbridge and the forum hasn’t been so volatile


I only brought it up because I mentioned the German court ruling and was called out on this situation not being covered under that law. I was asking for an update from anyone in Germany who knew anything about it. That’s why I stirred it up. Relevant topics have made news lately.