Status Update on Overbridge [posted February 2018]

no I am not. But I regeret somehow :slight_smile:

This old song. Look, this isn’t the tsunami relief forum, it’s elektronauts, a forum about products from elektron. And a thread about another delay to important functionality for relatively expensive gear. This is the actual best place to bitch about this stuff.


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Transparency is good… but as stated by a few others earlier in this post, it is written on the box that this product is “overbridge enabled” since the product shipped first in early summer 2017 (photo of by own unit bought in July 2017 below)… we are now in Febraury 2018 and no real release date for Overbridge has been provided. Disappointed.

What is Elektron planning to provide users who bought this device based on the promissed and not delivered feature ? (it does not say “overbridge will come later” on the box… is says “OVERBRIDGE ENABLED”)


You are mistaken, or more likely a bit confused. You need to install OB before you can use the Mk1 machines as an audio interface.


17 posts were split to a new topic: Off-topic bickering

Pathetic. Not surprising, but still…


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“Overbridge Enabled” is the new “HD Ready”… :slight_smile:


Seriously! I’m pretty much an Elektron fanboy- but missing every one of their estimates in regards to the Digitakt is pretty poor form.

I’ve defended Elektron from the outrage multiple times on this forum, and I still love Elektron- but this is pretty bad…


but does it have Blast Processing?


Not sure telling people to sell their gear because Elektron are unable to fulfill their own retail promises is all that constructive really.


I’m truly interested as to hear why we got delayed and what actually happened, not sure we will ever find out.

No hard feelings at all, disagreements in general aren’t bad either :wink: Not saying I see a disagreement with you, I understand all your points, but those are no remedy for customers. If software development is hard and deadlines cannot be set/met then how on earth do we get other software update not 1 year later? (sometime we get them even later) We are discussing to make this company better, not worse, even if it means saying things they don’t want to hear.

:+1: Of course it’s the company and it’s philosophy/ideology that is responsible for that and which should have the reality check, you can’t just expect that OB will code itself.


Completely agreed.

This is Elektron we’re talking about, not Apple. They’re a niche within the niche market of synth enthusiast. Even then, I’d be willing to bet a huge chunk of Elektron owners buy second hand, which doesn’t give the company any revenue at all.

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Yeah, I love my DT, but there should be room for criticising the company for broken promises without being obliged to sell your gear, or being wished natural disasters upon. This is not the biggest thing going on in my life, but would you know, this might not be the forum to discuss mine or others bigger problems. Elektron stuff is pretty apropos in here.


I would be more inclined to agree with this, whatever will be-attitude if it hadn’t been promised for so long, was a selling point, and worst of all, seems integral to the gosh darn machines ability to back up. If they had stuck a removable SD-card like the OT in this, or some other backup opportunity, people might not be so discouraged by this.


Except that some people sell their elektron to buy the new elektron… so of course elektron get money thanx to second hand market, imho

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I am speculating, but I think part of the problem is that OS developers have seriously changed the protocol for the USB ports given the increasing prevalence of USB3/Thunderbolt. I noticed a serious decrease in OB performance (even with overhub, MUCH less bandwidth) once I updated to High Sierra. It has to do with how it registers USB 1.1/USB2.

Elektron has to work around the new protocols from Apple and Microsoft and they have to do it in such a way that it won’t break the next time Apple/Microsoft updates their OS.

Like I said, I am speculating, but I think this is part of the problem.


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I bet you’re right on this!