Status update on Digitakt OS

One of the best games of my childhood. I miss those lovely graphics and RPG NES/SNES/SEGAB…and Super Street fighter 2 and Streets of rage…Kids these days don’t appreciate the current graphics. Sorry off-topic :wink:


I’m hoping that DT midi out to DT midi in will be working properly. I need more lfo modulation.

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I’m sure the update will be decent , though digitone seems to have some issues that shouldn’t get through any QA/bug round…

Something as simple as ensuring pad lights are correct must surely have beeen known before shipping.
And reports of clicks when dialling encoders / audio inputs is a little disappointing but at least it seems more fully functional that digitakt .

Perhaps adding ‘known issues’ would at least alleviate any concerns to show that the issues are being addressed , I know when I read other os update files it’s good to at least know what to expect and what things are known about

So hopefully things are rock solid and basic issues are still not present , and test plans are being thoroughly run multiple times.

Good luck everyone.

And I used to do pixel art on spectrum / c64 / Amiga games. There is a lot of rubbish being released out there under the guise of ‘retro graphics’. But there are also some very good new pixel art styles coming out .

I guess that’s using the midi out block? Is there any ensemble available or instructions? Is it simply connect lfo to midi out block and select cc value and midi channel?

Feature Request for Master :



interested in this too.

I gotta say thanks for all your work on the new OS, so glad it’s finally happening !

As for “minor features surprises”, even a “minor-feature-1-knob-compressor” on the master page will change my DT world/experience in a very good way, and I suspect I’m not alone here :wink: <3

I hope I’m wrong but, updating the OS will automatically erase all user patterns as usual ?

Thanks ! x

No, it never does that. If that has happened to you, it sounds like you were either using the presets project for your own material, or a weird fluke. Always good to save your projects from time to time, but an OS update should not remove anything.


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savng projects :joy::man_facepalming:


Ahh thanks for that. Apart from extra lfos I’d also love to get some euclidean sequencing going. I’ll be trying all this out tomorrow.

Every time I see that little blue “unread posts” on this thread, I’m like, “IS IT HERE???”


Please give the digitakt the chance to play stereo samples. at least on one track :rose: I would happily sacrifice a track for that in certain situations :balloon:

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Nice work on the GUI! Honestly I love the resolution of the screen it feels like it matches the interface prefect and then the baked in color and the tiny smidgen of visible space between the pixels :ok_hand:. My kind of art. I would actuality really like to be able to render drawings or small animations of my own on the screen. Thanks for opening up and letting people know the update is getting near.


With little preparation i think it’s already possible, no, since you are ok to use 2 tracks for this

Would be handy to designate them a stereo pair that can load stereo samples and control accordingly using the first track alone.

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Of course!

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Yes! Kinda like the poly config from the A4. Stereo config!

Big thanks! I’ve just been playing with Digitakt using Reaktor sequencers and lfos and clocks and and…it all works brilliantly. I don’t need the update anymore.