SMD - Small MIDI Device


…emm…anyone? :unamused:

How much are these SMDs? I’m intrigued by them, and how can I learn how to work them/what I can achieve with them?



Check out gugaBox SMD; there is some videos on there from @guga, @the_dreammer and @catchin and of course the manual.

Does that help? I of course have one :slight_smile:


…thankss Rusty :grin:
you could also have a look at the this video for some basics info on how to use it Ryan


…only 1 remaining from this batch…be quick or wait for the next :relaxed::grin:

I’ve got a show coming up in early March which will be the first time I’ll use :elmd: and :elmm: together live. There might be an :elot: in the middle too. But as I’m doing some early rehearsals and programming, I’m feeling that need for performance macros on the Monomachine.

I’ve glanced back through the manual. Will this MIDI setup work? Machinedrum -> SMD -> Monomachine? (again, OT might be in the middle). The MD/OT will be set up only to send clock/transport messages. The SMD will merge those in?

Second - I take it the Multi-midi-learn/CTRL-AL mode can go across multiple MIDI channels so I can affect different params on multiple voices on the Monomachine at once? I never see this stated one way or the other in the manual and the video above just shows learning on one MM voice. Edit: I did see a line in the manual this morning that yes, it does do multi-channel. I thought it did, just wanted to be sure.

OK, I guess third (and maybe this was in the manual but I’m sleepy) - the RNG mode: does that run on one channel, on multiple, or is that settable somewhere?

But does it do instant 1993 summer rave like this?

what can it do? is there any website with description?

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Its a nice tool that learns midi-CC from devices, maps them to the rotary button. and spits out all mapped CC… so i tought it a bunch of parameters on my machinedrum. and when i twist the button the machinedrum starts to change 16parameters max simultaniously… which gives groovylicious results… i am sure i will hook it up to my tb03 soon… and do 1 handed acid, just because i can :smiley:

or have a look at guga’s pretty website:


Thank you for this clear description! But how does it work on the machine drum like all 16 cc goes from 0 to 127 depending on your knob turing?

There is some magical stuff, dont know if i can explain without sharing guga’s trade-secrets. but it learns your stuff and keeps some offset… so when you teach it multiple things and wiggle the rotary a bit between learning, you get multiple offsets and some guga-magic… its really neat…

This looks amazing! @guga are there any plans to make a version with a few LFOs added to really shake things up?

Does anyone know of any little dedicated midi LFO boxes?

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yes, the SMD will merge incoming MIDI data to what’s being generated by the controller[quote=“jshell, post:228, topic:14443”]
Second - I take it the Multi-midi-learn/CTRL-AL mode can go across multiple MIDI channels so I can affect different params on multiple voices on the Monomachine at once?
yes, each MIDI CC you store in one of the SMD bunches, can have its own MIDI channel

the RNG will only send notes on one channel. to change the channel (and also the root note for the random notes generator, you can send a MIDI note to the SMD, the MIDI channel of the received note will then be used by the RNG when generating notes

i hope this helps :slight_smile:

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…what @the_dreammer said :relaxed:

the way the SMD generates MIDI CCs values depends on how those are stored (and will also change each time you randomize those parameters).
there’s a description in the manual that should hopefully help understand this better

thanks @enryo :relaxed:
that’s something that could potentially be integrated in the current/new firmware or maybe something else… :scream::grin: nonetheless goes on the ‘to-do list’ (getting longer as it goes…) :relaxed:

edit: maybe you could look for a MiniCommand or similar…not sure there’s something ready made with this feature

Woohoo! Mine arrived a couple of days ago. I have a show tomorrow and the day after and thought that wouldn’t be enough time to try to integrate this thing in, but I set up a Bunch during breakfast this morning. Super easy! I should be able to try to integrate it in tonight’s rehearsal section.

It really helps with one area of my set that I’ve been struggling with - the transitions between songs where my :elmd: is muted and tempos are changing, so the :elmm: has to pick up extra slack. I’ve made patterns exclusively for these transition points but they still sound a bit repetitive to my ears but my hands are too busy setting up the next parts to also deal with trying to do some sound mods directly on the :elmm:.

But now I can add some easy variation to what the :elmm: is doing with the push of a button or twist of a knob and can keep my focus where I need it. Nice!

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