SMD - Small MIDI Device

…to all you beta-testers out there: do come over the IRC channel if you have questions about the SMD, you’ll most probably find me there, together with other chatty friends :slight_smile:

…it would be nice if you guys could let me know/confirm if the box has arrived safely to destination :slight_smile:
thanks in advance and looking forward to your feedback

Hey Guga !
I received the SMD just before the weekend and haven’t had the time to try it yet, unfortunately… Have to wait that friends are gone ^^

Thx mate, I’ll let you know if I encounter weird results that don’t seem to be the ones awaited :smiley:

Mine hasn’t? Did you send me one? Because I haven’t received anything?

I did get a mysterious box arrive from Germany though, know anything about that?


So far? Awesome.

I only had a quick jam for a couple of hours with it hooked up to my MachineDrum… lots of fun involved.

I’m figuring out cabling etc for new live/studio rig, and its automatically found its place in there / in the midi chain… I can see lots of fun / inspiration occuring with it.

Mine is working fine ! A few weird moments where I lost control but it may be my mistake.
A suggestion for your next batch : use the way the encoder is turned when doing A+encoder to invert the way the parameter evolves.
This way one could close the filter while opening the envelope :slight_smile:

Now I’m gonna mess with a CTL-AL track :smiley:

Thx buddy !

Mine hasn’t? Did you send me one? Because I haven’t received anything?

I did get a mysterious box arrive from Germany though, know anything about that?


So far? Awesome.

I only had a quick jam for a couple of hours with it hooked up to my MachineDrum… lots of fun involved.

I’m figuring out cabling etc for new live/studio rig, and its automatically found its place in there / in the midi chain… I can see lots of fun / inspiration occuring with it.

nice one Rusty! glad to hear that; looking forward to know/hear how it evolves :astonished: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

that’s nice Lying Dalai, glad to know you received it as well :slight_smile:
i’ll definitely take a note of your suggestion and if you have more, do come over the IRC channel to share them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :slight_smile:

…now…where are all the others?! :confused: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Coming soon… :slight_smile:

new version of the manual available online! :slight_smile: go grab a copy from the website

…spot the difference(s) :astonished: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Very nice! Very clean piece of engineering, guga :+1:

thanks catchin! very much appreciated :slight_smile:

Excellent work ! :slight_smile: Can’t wait to hear what it can do !

…i’m looking forward to it as well onoffon :slight_smile:

An older version (prototype), but kinda what it does.


:slight_smile: :alien:

:astonished: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

OG MkI’s going to be collecters items :stuck_out_tongue: