Small OS tweaks

I would also love if the Rytm and A4 (locked to OT) wouldn’t randomly decide to fall out of sync by two pages. Happens frequently, and under several different transport and pattern switching conditions. (And I don’t use pause/unpause ever).

function + rtim = move in whole numbrer increments

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Encoder press and turn does almost this, but I think it is quarter or half numbers. Still, works for me pretty well.

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You could set the rate to -63 and play it in reverse? also if it’s not a slice you could just set the start point to the end. There is a way to preview the sound with the track settings, though i forget which combination at this moment.

My list would be

Fix playing slices via midi bug (where if you cc slice and send note data it’s always one note behind)

Additions (i’ve tried to keep in the range of the feasible, but i know some of them are unlikely):
Save trig mode with track, for example, when i change to master, it would be nice to have delay mode, but then going back to a sliced track, have it in sliced mode, then another with chromatic, etc without having to keep manually switching. Would make live performance way nicer.

Arranger Midi control - would love to be able to navigate through an arrangement using bank/cc/notes/something. Ideally i’d like to make an arrangement with a number of Go To points that i could toggle between with a midi controller. Allowing me to transition between song sections in live situations.

Zero crossing mode for audio retrig - to avoid those clicks that occur when using retrigs/etc.

Someone already said it, but +/-2 Chromatic Octaves like the other recent sample machines would be A M A Z I N G

Be able to increase playback Rate more than 1x.

Performance mode, similar to A4, be able to switch to a page which lets you assign macros to the knobs.

Be able to access the various trig modes via midi. So I could press a button to switch to mode x, or be able to access the trigs of each mode directly

LFOs - unipolar mode, phase and sine wave please.

Custom LFO - set custom length - less than 16 steps.

Scene/Crossfader midpoint mode - have both scenes at 100% at midpoint.

Would like to handle non-4/4 time signatures better. For example. 4 bars of 12 steps would be nice to be 12 steps on each page rather than 48 steps across 3.

As someone already mentioned BPM saved with pattern as a project option would be MINT.

Wish sample start point had micro steps like how RYTM and A4 have when adjusting values. plocking those perfect points can be a pain. Though I know you can get round this by switching to slices, or copying the same sample into multiple pool slots and having different start settings.


Thanks. I posted a couple workarounds here:

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Copy multiple trigs! :slight_smile:


+1 on unipolar lfo’s

or (quicker to implement), additional menu items :

all pos
all neg

where :

all pos converts all negative value in a custom lfo to zero
all neg converts all positive values in a custom lfo to zero

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Regarding Retrigs clicking, this is due to the Amp settings not being re-triggered which is annoying as f***, thats one major OS tweak I would love to see implemented


switch (all) the track fx for global send fx and combine the cpu to get a better reverb

You created an account for that ? :ecstatic:

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:yum:i’d noticed this afterwards!


not really, you wouldn’t want the amp locked to the retrig because then you wouldn’t be able to nearly as many things sample/sound design wise like have the amp open up slowly while you sweep through a sample with various micro retrig lengths. . the issue is, as i understand it, when you retrig a sample and it suddenly jumps from one position to another, causing a pulse-like tick. many other granular and sample instruments in both software and hardware have zero crossing options, so it’ll wait for the waveform to cross the zero point, removing that jump.

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the biggest thing I miss on the OT workflowwise after using the newer boxes is the ability to plock multiple steps simultaneously. speeds everything up so much and it’s kind of a drag to use my OT after getting spoiled by this on the AR

You guys asking for more than 2 octaves pitch range realise that you can actually already do that, using rate at 32 gives an octave down, 16 gives 2 octaves down, 8 gives 3 octaves down, or did you mean something else?


As OpenMike posted on a somewhat similar thread, try sending feature requests to this official email address, as Elektron peeps are not regular partcipants of these forums:


An email with a link to this thread :wink:

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Pitch up, I guess?

I have a project called ‘pitch up’ always on my CF. It automatically resamples whatever’s in rec buffer 1 across the other buffers, doubling the speed each time, so at least you can use resamples to go above +12 semitones. Intended to build chains and play in chromatic mode with slices on scenes to move up octaves with crossfader. Don’t think I have done that yet though - it’s more fun to then take the rate down and use it as a downsampler. The buffer on track 6 has to be played at +1 rate for original pitch - very crispy!


Hahaha this is so ludicrous and functional. A very ‘Elektron’ workaround, and a testament to the OT’s flexibility. Good stuff!