Single button track switch

Dearest Elektron - PLEASE update the AR so that we can switch tracks with one hand!

It would make programming the AR much faster and more enjoyable. And, I think it would be relatively simple to program/implement.

The more I use my AR, the more RSI I get from constantly switch tracks using the button combination.

I would happily pay for this. Heck, if you make it a MKII feature only I would order a MKII.

Couple ideas for implementing:

  1. When grid record mode is disabled, make the first 12 TRIG keys switch to the respective track.
  2. Use another button combination to enter “single button track switch mode” (as described in #1) while grid record mode is disabled, like on the OT when you hit FUNCTION + DOWN it changes the behavior of the TRIG keys when grid record mode is disabled.

All my other Elektron machines have dedicated buttons for switching tracks. I really miss this on the AR.

Mods, I humbly think this should not be merged into the feature request thread, as I feel it deserves special discussion and visibility, since I bet many AR power users would really appreciate it. But, FWIW, I respect your decisions.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Analog Rytm feature request thread

Everyone could share this sentiment and therefore the forum would be a mess in no time for all concerned, it really has to be this way to keep it manageable and fair

As said in the other thread, it’s more of a user discussion thread, to make sure it’s seen officially, send a direct feature request, but be sure to send this feature request :wink:

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