Sampling practice

You can use the record buffers independently of the track. Just resample the track, save sample, clear track, load sample.


Yeah, like I said I just struggle with that stuff a bit, haven’t used mine enough tThe last few months, it’s coming back.
I still much prefer the sampling in the mpc!

I never get the big problems people have with sampling on the OT. Sure there are a lot of options with recorder trigs and stuff. But simple sampling is a two button combination.


What about your brain ?
8 Recorders, 8 different sources, 4 analog ins, Rec Trigs, realtime processed playback, overdub…

Sell your Octatrack, you don’t deserve it.


Ok, take a break it’s the weekend, don’t need to be a jerk everyday!
I am just saying what I prefer that’s all!
I am making tunes just fine with my setup btw! So no I am not selling anything!

So since I need my brain checked, maybe someone can help me out with a situation I ran into.
The setup: tr 1 is a bass
Tr 2 is a drone
Tr 3 is a thru track for analog 4
Tr 4 is a neighbor machine.
Tr 5 is drums
Tr 6 is thru track for mpc 1000
Tr 7 is neighbor track and
Tr 8 is some bleeps and bloops, whatever.

So what is the easiest way to resample tr 1 ? Best I could figure was change tr 4 to flex, use the tr recorder for that, set a one shot sampling trig, sample, edit assign and change tr 4 back to neighbor machine!

Now help me fix my brain and give me the 100% solution!

In mpc I would just go to sample mode, set inputs and sample and assign. Boom, done!

And I also don’t see any destructive pitch shifting in the sample editor either!?

So yeah, octatrack is amazing at a lot, but a pain in tha ass equally!

You can use any recorder, anytime, there are independant, you don’t have to set the track as a Flex. Flex is Ram player.

Exeption for Pickups, the recorder is linked to the track.


As @sezare56 pointed out, you don’t need to change a playback machine in order to record into a recorder buffer. Which track were you going to use to play the new sample?

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After a long break from OT and not much spare time to get reacquainted it’s taken a few scattered sessions to brush the dust off my brain but it all makes sense again now…

Maybe it’d be worth you writing down the things that haven’t sunk in to your muscle memory/understanding yet and spending a couple hours doing JUST those in an empty project?

Like sampling and resampling. There’s nothing to it once you understand the options at your disposal. Just takes a minute to grasp cos there ARE options :wink: Which you’ll probably find to be a useful, good thing at some point…


You can record and save Track 1 output on any recorder, but you can not playback that live if that’s what you need (well, you can go to edit and manually play resampled file).

Btw, why you use thru and neighbor machines? What effects do you need there?

I ended up using 4 to sample and re assigned the new sample to track one to replace the original bass sample.

When I tried using track 1 to sample itself it didn’t work and messed up the whole track, that’s why I went about the way I did.

Thru for analog 4 and mpc, they allow me to use effects with the scenes.
And the neighbor tracks for drive and compression.

Yeah, I hadn’t used it for 6 months, and always had a hard time with the sampling piece, having an mpc background. So now it’s really unfamiliar again. But it’s starting to come back.
Thx all


And can be just one button if you go into the personalize menu. I think the confusion really starts when people have recording trigs and sample trigs going at the same time- at least that’s when my OT starts doing crazy stuff.

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I think of the recorders as a separate section, you use a flex machine to play them but you don’t have to, they can just record if you want.
Set any one of the 8 track recorders to src3 T1, set qrec to plen, and rlen to your pattern length.
Now anytime you want to sample T1 press the track button of the track you set up the recorder on and the midi button. It will record track 1 on the next pattern cycle, if recorder buffer 1 is already assigned to a flex on any track, it will be updated…


When on a computer anyways, why not use Octachainer?

Otherwise: sample lock every step of a 64 bar pattern and record a four bar loop on a lower tempo…

So I can do that on any track even if that track is playing back other sample trips?
Hmmm. Maybe it is just me, but I wish the manual was clearer on those things!

Yep, any track with any machine assigned, doesn’t matter one bit. The 8 recorders are separate from the 8 audio tracks and only seem like they are connected because you access them by choosing a track first…
OT has 8 audio tracks, 8 midi tracks, 8 recorder tracks…
You can have one on say track 3 recording something and even while its recording be completely messing with changing samples on track 3 and even changing to a thru or neighbor machine and back and none of that will get in the way of what the recorder was doing…


Ok I guess that Ike’s sense, but the nomenclature is really weird imo.
Cool, thx again!

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It certainly can be. @Merlin’s “Some thoughts on Elektron’s Octatrack” is a very useful read in this regard.

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