Sample transfer - a quick way?

yep, OSX 10.9 or later. :slight_smile:

and just Mac for now - I currently don’t have the resources to make a Windows app…

cool! Just what I need to enjoy more sample fun with the AR.

Just an idea for version 2.xx or so:

  • import samples (or pdfs or what ever) to the app + automaticly create sample chain
  • send sample chain to AR

what’s stopping you from updating?
I can look into supporting 10.8 but can’t promise anything - don’t have a 10.8 machine to test against…

I still have a machine running 10.6.8 and only using USB 1, it just sounds warmer that way :wink:

That sounds like a real boon, thanks for your work.

Take my money! So tired of C6 file transfer!

uow, awesome! thanks for putting some effort on this, def buying


If it’s any help I just updated my Macbook from OSX 10.8.5 to 10.11.3 after staying on Mountain Lion for the last few years as Mavericks sent my laptops running temperature through the roof. As far as I can tell my laptop is running absolutely fine on El Capitan. So unless there is any particular piece of software/hardware you need to stay on Mountain Lion you might be ok to upgrade.

Where/how do I pay?
Or will this be through the Mac App store only ?

App Store only - way easier to manage, auto-updates etc. :slight_smile:


the waiting is killing me :dizzy_face:

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My spidey sense says you’re not alone?

^ lol ok my 1.6GHz i5 Macbook Air from 2011 with a whopping 2G RAM is not much fun anymore either - hoping that SDS Drop will get me closer to an upgrade…
fun fact: Strom & this app happened in that 11" wonderbox.

@rusty yeaaarrrrgghhhh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And I develop on a 2009 mac… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For what it’s worth, I run Yosemite on a 2009 MacBook Pro 15" with a 7200rpm/hybrid/SSD drive.
No issues with heat or anything. Has been a great OS.

Have a 100% SSD waiting to go in, but not sure if I want to go with El Cap or not. Still waiting for the Overbridge/El Cap situation to improve.

I see no reason that your 2k11 MBP would crash with a modern OS.

same here with MBP 2011. Just bought my book a SSD for Christmas ^^
if you are working mostly with audio tracks in your DAW I guess it´s enough power.

lets hope they get this through quickly - they can’t actually review the functionality unless they got a Rytm sitting there which I doubt :slight_smile:

So excited!!! so excited!!

ok so - it’s still stuck “In Review”

now meanwhile, I’ve found a few bugs:

  • for longer samples, the app doesn’t wait long enough for Rytm to process the sample. the larger the file, the greater the possibility that it’s not loaded to the kit.
  • there’s a timer which can repeatably show error messages when the connection goes bad, can be annoying.
  • sample transfer is slower than c6.
  • some minor graphical things

good news, all these bugs are now FIXED. :slight_smile:

Also, added a few things:

  • last transfer’s pad is highlighted & sample name is shown (and stays highlighted until next transfer) - thanks @avantronica!
  • color theme support (can import iTerm2 color themes) - because why not
  • some options for messing with the sample name

thing is, the version in Apple review is the version which doesn’t have these fixes.

so, wat do?

I can either:

  • revoke the submitted app, and post the fixed thing now. then the review process starts again (we are where we were last Saturday).

  • wait until review gets through, and then post the update (which also needs to be reviewed!). then you can grab the 1.0 with the bugs and use it until the update is published.

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I vote for this. Best of both worlds.

Nah, the more I think about it - probably best to revoke and start with a better 1.0 to begin with.

Larger samples (2 seconds and larger) is primarily what I’ll use it for.

yeah - it’s annoying when that bug happens then (sample is still transferred and loaded to project, only the kit isn’t tweaked)…

ok so probably going to wait until tomorrow - other work to do now - then resubmit the app. need to make a cleaner demo video too… :slight_smile:

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