Rytm has a burned LCD

OK - Thanks

I copped it on both machines - after an extended break of not using them. Been getting a fair bit of use lately and seems to be fading…

OK - Thanks,

I tried the “keep the unit powered on over night” and I can see that it has helped the issue somewhat, but the dark spot are not completely gone.

Having read through most of the thread, I get the impression that the “keep the unit powered on over night”-technique is one possible solution, but it is still unclear to me if it is a lasting solution or of the issue will just come back if I don’t use my unit for a while? If that is the case, then the only solution I see is to hand the unit in for repair/service.

Is there no official Elektron advice on how to handle this issue best yet?

I think you’ve got a point.
I’m still exploring the AR, which I do with a
lot of fun.

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Any solutions or updates?

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Dirt under screen

My display has gone bad, the view angle is terribly uneven: https://goo.gl/photos/VBkYJrS4pQbwgjpE6

The color or contrast of the pixels has also shifted from the middle outwards making even head on viewing uncomfortable: https://goo.gl/photos/gVr7jwa8DndsN3kKA

I’ve tried all the tricks in this thread, using the test mode and leaving it on overnight as well. My guess is it’s something faulty with the electro-chemical part of the display and I’ve got no warranty. Trying to research what was going wrong, I came across the strategy of displaying random values, like noise, on misbehaving displays to encourage the pixels to go back to a more neutral/even response state internally. No idea if it would work for this kind of LCD.

Now I’m waiting to hear back from the repair folks about doing something to fix or replace it. I wish these machines had higher quality displays to start with or I could just swap in one from the Analog Heat or Machine Drum MKII :slight_smile:

Sorry to read this.
Within the 3 years guaranteed period your covered.
I wonder what happens after when you send it in, will it be repaired under courtesy?
I think they should because it’s a welknown issue.

We’ll see what they do I guess, I would really like to get back to sorting out my live gig + studio workflow with this beast. It’s really an amazing sounding piece of equipment.

So true

Hmm, I can’t find a support ticket regarding a Rytm LCD currently open - are you sure you have sent it in? (Or perhaps you are in contact with Elektron US?)


Is there any known benefit to running the test mode and blocking the screen black and white for set times … or is this just a way to test the operation of the screen (Trig 1 Trig 2 iirc) ?

Just a way to check for dead pixels


Today I’ve sent off my AR to Elektron US, support has been very responsive on my ticket.

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I found compatible display on eBay today, anyone seen those in action?


Nice search, this might be a serious replacement when your machine goes slowly to blind.

Has anyone tried that display? It’s easy to replace?




That’s rather nice!

Repacement require soldering, but it’s not complicated.