Re-direct a noob to a master list of key combos

Hi, sorry to bug you all. Can anyone (who knows where to find it easily…because I could not locate it) find me a post that outlines all of the key-combo’s and a brief description of its function, with the mode that the OT has to be in, to preform these functions? This must exist somewhere.

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[AUDIO RECORD AB/CD] + [BANK] will open the recorder buffer, corresponding to the
active track, in the audio editor.

[BANK] + [TRIG] will select the active bank.

[CUE] + [ENTER/YES] will preview the selected sample through the cue outputs while in
the audio editor, the Flex or Static sample slot lists or the file browser.

[CUE] + [AUDIO RECORD AB/CD] will cue the chosen audio input.

[CUE] + [TRACK] will cue the chosen track.

[CUE] + [TEMPO] will toggle the metronome on/off.

[CUE] + LEVEL will set the cue level of a track.

[EXIT/NO] + [TRACK] will in LIVE RECORDING mode erase trigs on the track.

[EXIT/NO] + KNOB push will in LIVE RECORDING mode erase parameter locks on the


[FUNCTION] + [BANK] will depending on the currently active menu or mode open various
menus. If GRID RECORDING mode is active the TRACK TRIG menu will be opened. If
GRID RECORDING mode is not active the PATTERN SETTINGS menu will be opened. If
the QUICK ASSIGN or PLAYBACK SETUP menus are active the selected sample will be
opened in the audio editor. If the ARRANGER mode is active various options will be
accessed. If the PARTS menu is active, various options for the parts will be accessed.

[FUNCTION] + [CUE] will reload the active part to its saved settings.

[FUNCTION] + [MIXER] will open the PROJECT menu.

[FUNCTION] + [MIDI] will open the PARTS menu.

[FUNCTION] + [TRACK] will mute the chosen track.

[FUNCTION] + [PATTERN] will open the ARRANGER menu.

[FUNCTION] + [TRACK PARAMETER] will open the SETUP menus of the TRACK

[FUNCTION] + [SCENE A/B] will mute scene A or scene B.

[FUNCTION] + [PATTERN PAGE] will open the SCALE SETUP menu.

[FUNCTION] + [TRIG] will place trigless locks and one shot trigs on the sequencer when
GRID RECORDING mode is active.

[FUNCTION] + [TRIG 9…16] will when no RECORDING mode is activated manually trig trigless
trigs instead of sample trigs. This is only relevant when TRACKS or CHROMATIC trig
mode is active.

[FUNCTION] + [TEMPO] makes it possible, through repeating [TEMPO] button presses, to
tap the BPM of the sequencer.

[FUNCTION] + [REC] will perform a copy command. The content that will be copied
depends on the currently active menu or mode of the Octatrack.

[FUNCTION] + [PLAY] will perform a clear command. The content that will be cleared
depends on the currently active menu or mode of the Octatrack.

[FUNCTION] + [STOP] will perform a paste command. The content that will be pasted
depends on the content that was copied.

[FUNCTION] + [UP]/[DOWN] will increase the scrolling speed in various menu lists.

[FUNCTION] + [UP]/[DOWN] will when no scrollable menu is active change the active
TRIG mode.

[FUNCTION] + [LEFT]/[RIGHT] will while in GRID RECORDING mode nudge trigs back or
forth one step.

[FUNCTION] + [ENTER/YES] will preview the selected sample through the main outputs
while in the audio editor, the Flex or Static sample slot lists or the file browser.

[FUNCTION] + [EXIT/NO] will for as long as held remove all parameter locks from the
active track while in LIVE RECORDING mode.

[FUNCTION] + LEVEL will adjust the MAIN parameter of the MIXER menu.

[PATTERN] + [TRIG] will select the active pattern.

[PATTERN PAGE] + [REC] will copy the active pattern page.

[PATTERN PAGE] + [PLAY] will clear the active pattern page.

[PATTERN PAGE] + [STOP will paste a copied pattern page to the active pattern page.

[SCENE A/B] + [TRIG] will assign a scene to the selected scene slot.

[TRACK] + [PLAY] will trig the sample assigned to the machine of the track.

[TRACK] + [STOP] will stop playback of the sample assigned to the machine of the track.

[TRACK] + [BANK] will open the sample assigned to the track in the audio editor.

[TRACK] + [AUDIO RECORD AB/CD] will initiate sampling from the audio inputs.

[TRACK] + [MIDI] will initiate sampling of the audio tracks.

[TRACK] + [ENTER/YES] will re-arm any one shot recorder trigs of the track whose

[TRACK] key was pressed.

[TRACK] + [EXIT/NO] will disarm any one shot recorder trigs of the track whose [TRACK]
key was pressed.

[TRACK] + [LEFT]/[RIGHT] will nudge the BPM of the sample of the track.

[TRACK PARAMETER] + [REC] will copy the parameter settings of a TRACK PARAMETER

[TRACK PARAMETER] + [STOP] will paste the copied parameter settings of a TRACK

[TRACK PARAMETER] + [PLAY] will initialize the settings of a TRACK PARAMETER

[SCENE] + [REC] will copy the assigned scene.

[SCENE] + [PLAY] will clear the assigned scene.

[SCENE] + [STOP] will paste a copied scene to the scene assigned to the scene slot.

[TRIG] + [ENTER/YES] will turn a trigless lock into a trigless trig.

[TRIG + [EXIT/NO] will turn a sample trig to a trigless trig. A trigless trig will be turned to a
trigless lock.

[TRIG] + [UP]/[DOWN] will, while in GRID RECORDING mode, open the SAMPLE LOCK

[TRIG] + [LEFT]/[RIGHT] will while in GRID RECORDING mode open the MICRO TIMING

[TRIG] + [REC] will copy the selected trig.

[TRIG] + [PLAY] will clear all parameter locks from the selected trig.

[TRIG] + [STOP] will paste a previously copied trig.

page 143, 144, and 145 in the manual :slight_smile:


there should be other more focussed posts but the manual covers the essentials

In the back of my “manual” I gathered short cuts in a “How to” fashion, ordered by tasks. Should be more or less complete by now. Just listing short cuts did not do the trick for me. I am wondering “How to copy …” and therefore my tables. However, the manual is indeed for many if not most things the first point of call.

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An exhaustive list by Didjecko, better than in the Manual imho
ot-buttons-478140.pdf (299.6 KB)


A post was split to a new topic: Is [TRACK] + [STOP] possible to do via MIDI?

Hi, the link for this PDF does not work anymore and I cannot find it anywhere, could someone repost it please ? Cheers !

ot-buttons-478140.pdf (299.6 KB)


Is this for the Mk1 or MK2? Thx.

It talks about rounded keys and square keys, so the Mk1


Right, thx.

Anyone know of an updated or similar version for the MK2?

I know there is a list in the manual, but I find this version much easier to look through.