Promo video for Moog DFAM

Mmmh. Privileged position… you mean like all those elite DFAM first-adopters we saw in the video?

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No jokes

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I don’t need to do anything. As I said above, I don’t think I’ve met a woman in almost 40 years on this earth who wouldn’t have wanted to flush your patronising heads down a toilet by this point in a conversation.


I’ve done plenty of internet reading, just as you have. It doesn’t qualify as ‘research’, so let’s not start trying to pretend we’re scientists.


white cis male not being into identity politics make sense… yes… cool cool


This is not an issue of being valid. You are in the position of insane privilege for being cismale (and, by your avatar and other info, white and English.) and I’m speaking to that privilege you have that other non-males don’t have in this industry. It’s about both. Being a man is privileged whereas is in Ms. Polacheck’s there are other privileges.

BTW seems she backtracked a bit:

Then you hang out with different people.

So you’re not going to post it…


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And there’s that bridge.

Women have more privilege than men in modern days

Moog may have given it to them for free for appearing in the video. How is that privileged (other then patronage of that kind which has nothing to do with any of this) Their studios didn’t seem like much, anyway…couple JBLs and plants.

I love threads like this. Please do not over moderate or close it!!!

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A sex-abuser is President of the United States.

Just…no. No.

Hillary Clinton had massive conspiracies to sweep her wrongdoings under the rug.

Also: Alleged, on account that was no conviction

that’s funny!
It’s a joke right

That maybe mistaking privileged for spotlighting

I do hope they got it for free! It would be exploitative otherwise.
But can I be a bit a jealous? Just a tiny little bit…

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Are you serious right now?