Programming Polyrhythms

Does anyone do this? On the Machinedrum and Monomachine, I got into the habit of using song mode and setting the sequencers on each machine to different tempo multipliers and using the Monomachine arps to create polyrhythms, which resulted in a lot of cool results and unfinished tracks as it is a workflow nightmare trying to keep everything in sync. In theory, this should be easier with the Octatrack. I’ve played around a bit, but I’m curious if any of you have some tips for polyrhythms or odd metered programming with the Octatrack or within the Elektron sequencing paradigm. I’ve done a little research and came across this article which gave some good ideas:
but I’m having a hard time visualizing how to implement some of these ideas into the step sequencer.

^^^ recommended reading!
There are some really good advice in this thread. Due to heavy workload last months I haven´t really been able to explore anything in depth in this matter.

I hardly even remember my thoughts expressed, which is kinda scary in itself…

I run MD & MM via the mixer recording onto tracks 1 & 5 respectively. Using the transition trick I’ll switch the Kit to 12/16 & the say an FM bassline to 7/16. Sounds wicked!