Portable MIDI Mixer Controller for the Digitakt

I tried to do exactly this when I had a RYTM, but i found it useless as the track volumes were saved per pattern, so every time you change patterns the current state of the physical faders did not match the next pattern causing mayhem for a live set.

Im not sure if the digitakt is different? does it have a master volume for each track that is not part of the pattern?

This is not so much an issue if you were using encoders i guess…

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Is anybody using the Novation Launchcontrol XL to control Digitakt or any other elektron boxes??

Im trying to map level x channel to each fader, and cant make it work.
CC:99 Ch: 1 to 8 Min: 0 Max: 127

Already configured sends/filters/solo/mute x channel, and those work perfect.
Any idea what im making wrong??

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CC 95 is track level, not CC 99


I use one with a Kenton midi converter to control my OTmk1.

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Thanks mzero! I was using an old manual :confused:

The MIDI implementation is limited to whats printed in the manual?
It would be nice to control transport, fill, metronome, pattern length over MIDI, is there any way to do it?

The DT responds to MIDI System Realtime messages (Start, Stop, Continue) if you enable CLOCK RECEIVE in the SETTINGS > MIDI CONFIG > SYNC menu.


Thanks Peter!

I was wondering if its possible to map this (Start, Stop, Continue) through MIDI CC msg. I’m trying to use a Launchcontrol XL as a controller, and it doesnt send clock.

Im also using a QuNexus for note input, works perfectly, but cant make the pitch bend work.
With this keyboard you can map i.e. pitch to pad tilt or pressure, and specify the MIDI CC for each…and now while im writting im thinking, i should map them to tune (CC 16). Will try this!

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Not on the DT itself. You would need some external MIDI processor unit or computer with appropriate software.

Its posible to set up a controller to pick up mode?

Im using my launchcontrol xl, one strip x channel, controling solo/mute/vol/filter freq/rev/dly
How do guys use your controllers?

Hey all,
I’m looking for a very small and portable, pad only, controller for the Digitakt. Something à la AKAI LPD8 would be perfect to play drums on.
But neither that one nor the McMillan QuNexus has simple MIDI out; they seem to need some expansion pack.
Do you know of a simple, portable pad controller that is directly compatible with the DT?
I could also live with a mini jack MIDI out w/ a breakout cable.

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This could be a solution. A bit expensive maybe… :grinning:

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Korg padkontrol is great, probably too big though

@ChristianK @nfim
Yeah, both a little expensive and big, unfortunately.
Oh well, using a Circuit with a breakout MIDI is not too shabby.

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HI there sorry to revive this old thread but would you mind sharing your creation ? Im trying to use mi XL w the takt as well and having a template like yours would help me get started on creating my own :smiley:

…iam using all three korg nanos.

just sayin’ :slight_smile:

edit:via USB


how are korg nano connect to digitakt?
you have interface?

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I’ve done a USB Host-Image based on Linux and a raspberry pi.
that way you can map easily all three korg nanos via USB, they’ll receive power and a midi clock for instance. perfect for synchronized retrigs with nannopad’s X and Y pad.

without the retrig activation the XY pad controls Digitakts Delay feedback and time.

nanokontrol: 8 level faders + Filter Freq with the rotary.

nanokeys: chromatic and note hold

nanopad: All Drums and Midi (with velocity) + the mentioned functions with the XY Pad and its internal modes like gate arp/scale etc.


This is great!
I have raspberry pi
I have digitakt.
I have korg nanos.

However I know not how connect pi
midi in digitakt

Or how make linux Usb host.

If can you point at resources or tips
I learn how this work and build
for self.

Thanks Johnny Ego!

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One hidden treasure that I use with my OT as a keyboard, fader controller, drum pad and sound source (with MIDI DIN) is the Korg Triton Taktile 25, really useful piece of kit, and you can program any parameter from the touch pad as well ! I got mine second hand for £75

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